Someone That I'm Not

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Chapter Sixty-Eight


It's been three days since Zoe and Michael thought they erased Isabella Rossi. Trick on them, they can't ever erase me. I'm one of a kind and I'm the baddest bitch they will ever meet. I'm having dinner with Michael. It's been six days and he's driving me nuts dealing with Zoe. She is clueless what she had done and Aidan is going to die because of it. Zoe said that she saved me. I'm calling that bullshit. The only thing that she ever did to me is try to kill a lot of times. I will never trust that bitch. And Michael where do I start? He told me that we are married and I lost the wedding ring, that is bullshit too because I'm engaged to Aidan, we put off the wedding because it is right behind him it is the best for both of us but if he is working for my dad that means this is my father's plan, he is dead. I've been here for six days and about to lose my damn mind. He keeps on apologizing about it. I'm going to kill him very soon. I am wearing blue jeans, white tank top black leather jacket and black leather boots. Michael is wearing a black suit I am losing my mind this is so stupid, if I try to get out of this I might die.
The only reason that Zoe and Michael did this so Michael would have a girl that would do whatever he said like sex, the old Michael would want this not sure this one wants this he is a confusing person. Because he is playing around with the old him when he excuses had hurt me, I don't think he wanted to hurt me but it's the only way that she would believe that he is on Zoë's side. It's a plan but I think that it's working but there are other ways that he could do this without hurting me but he rather goes back to his old habits.  

"My dear sister please tell Aidan that the plans have changed," I say, in Isabelle's head, "he needs to find Zoe to stop her reign."  
"Your memories aren't gone?"  
"Of course not, you think I would do something as stupid as that if I didn't know that my memories wouldn't get erase," I say, she doesn't say a thing, "Izzy just do me this one thing for once."  
"Okay Ella, just don't..."  
"Yeah, yeah, yeah I know if I die, I'll actually stay dead," I say, "I don't really want that to happen so you don't need to worry about that... I'm going to get away from this immortal then kill him once and for all before the world dies."  
"Good luck," she says, "DON'T DIE!"  
"Don't be dramatic,"

"Allison," he asked, I looked at Michael, "I have a question for you." 
"Really," I say pushing the food away from me, "what is it if you're asking to have sex with me again it's no." 
"That's not what I was going to ask Allison," he says, as I put one of my hands on the table, "should I call you Allison or Isabella?" 

I grabbed the knife and I pointed at Michael not knowing what the hell I am thinking. The knife flies out of my hand into Michael's, I don't know what to do, what to think this guy abused me and I don't know how to handle it anymore. I picked up the fork and pointed it at Michael. He started looking annoyed as he started looking at the wall, I looked at the same wall that he was looking at. There was a camera. I walk towards the camera. 

"Hi Zoë," I say, I started seeing yellow, "bye Zoë." the camera shut off as I started seeing normal colors again, I walked towards Michael. 
"Ella put down the fork." 
"Okay sure right after you explain everything you only got one minute, I suggest that you start talking from the beginning," I say, "Michael if you don't either way you're dead you betrayed Zoë, she might know that you betray her start talking and I might be able to save you."
"Well, it started after you go your memories back me and your father were talking, he knew how much of an asshole I was how I treated you he was just going to lock me back up, I knew he wanted something from me," Michael says, "he told me that he wants Zoë to be taken out I suggest him a better idea."
"You did?"
"Is it too hard to wrap your head around that I said something like that?" he asked, "Isabella, who is the one person I'm looking out for?"
"Yourself," I say, "Michael hurry up and finish the story camara's won't off forever."
"Right, I gave your father the idea that I will keep an eye on Zoë and report all details," he says, "but when things with you got difficult, he told me to be my old self so you suspect anything."  
"Oh, shit you're going to die no matter what happens there no other way it ends," I say Zoë would torcher you until you die Aidan will shoot you there is only one way how it ends... follow me Michael."

I disappeared to the kitchen in my father's base. There was a hollow tile. I removed the tile. There was a butterfly knife in the floor I grabbed and put the tile back in place. Michael appears in the kitchen; he has no idea what is going to happen but it what happens he is going to die and there is no way I can save him. Michael McLean's fight is over.  I walked towards Micheal not showing any emotions, never thought this day would ever come. I wish I didn't have to come now.

"Michael there is no way I can save. I thought of every possible way but you won't survive it you will die," I say, "what I'm trying to say is that your fight is over you will die and I can't stop it... I'm sorry Michael." my father walks into the kitchen "dad what are you doing?"
"You're not going to kill him yet," my father says, "if he is bound to die, I rather have sentimental death... you guys even if you do feel sorry for killing him... Michael turned into Aidan."
"Dad that is cruel," I say walking towards him, "I know you need to make the hard call but this is the next level I know it doesn't always have to be violence."
"YES, IT DOES," he says, "IF NOT, PEOPLE DIE."
"NO DAD THAT'S NOT WHY PEOPLE DIE THEY IS BECAUSE OF VIOLENCE," I yelled I took a deep breath, "Dad you made one wrong call, you killed Hitler there is other ways of handling stuff like he didn't need to die because you killed Zoë's father, she wants me dead."
"No, it isn't," he says, Michael tries to slip away. He looks exactly like Aidan. I move my hand and his slams against the wall, "Ella let him go."
"NO," I say, "you need to understand that blood needs violence because when you do you will lose people that you care about, your actions have consequences like everyone else."
"No, it's my turn to talk dad," I say as tears started running down my face, "you say I don't make the hard call YOU MAKE ME MAKE THE HARD CALL, when I went that island you didn't care how I did it you wanted me to survive that day I made the hard call no more dad."  I walked into Isabelle's office as Michael was floating in the air to her office, I saw Isabelle and Aidan. Aidan is tied up in a chair.
"Isabella what are you doing?" she asked, "that is Aidan, Michael is right there." she pointed at Aidan in the chair.
"No, it isn't, Isabelle I'm not in a mood for any of this bull shit that is Aidan" I say, "dad or Zoë or whoever might of tricked you but I know Aidan anywhere, and this bastard," he falls to the ground is, "well is working for our father and his time is up."
"Are you sure you want to do that?" she asked, "he could be..."
"I know a mole when I see one," I say, Michael to escape the door slam on him, "I'm sure that bastard is one."
"then let's get the torcher on with,"

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