Chapter 75

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Manik and Murat were attending a board meeting to discuss new strategies, profits and shares. They were very disappointed with the proposals as they all seemed old and used countless of times by countless of industries.

"So, you are telling me that if we use it, the thing we are using for a few years, it will make a lot of profit." Murat asked and that parson nodded.

"Then, why are we paying you with salaries if you are going to give us same ideas. It will be more profitable if we just pay you once for the idea and let you go, don't you think?" Manik said and that parson gulped in fear.

"Last chance for you. Bring a more better and elaborate plan or else say goodbye to your job." Murat said and everyone who was presented there nodded.

Because though Murat gave a warning to that parson but all of their jobs were in line if their bosses were not satisfied. So, it's better to do their best.

Murat and Manik got out of the conference room when Murat got a call from the hospital. He listen to it carefully then said he would be there soon.

Manik frowned because of the change of expression of Murat. If he was angry because of a bad meeting, he was furious after the call.

"Who was that?"

Murat dragged Manik with him, sitting on the car he told driver the name of the hospital. Manik's frown deepened as he thought some rivals might did something but hospital!

"What's wrong?" Manik asked after a grave silence inside of the car.

"All of them were in a accident."

That was enough for Manik to know what happened. He widen his eyes and asked worriedly, "How all of them..?"

"That's the thing we need to find out."

The car fall into a grave silence again with two tense billionaires. In no time they reached the hospital and a nurse led them to a big room with several beds. The body guards were laying there, few were unconscious.

Murat and Manik both took in the scene then approached a conscious guard, "How the heck this happened?" Murat controlled his shout.

"We tried sir, but they outnumbered us, we couldn't even count how many cars were there. We tried to save madams but.."

"Where are they?" Manik asked again looking around the room, fearing the answer. Because he knew that they might not be there.

"After the accident, they took their unconscious body out of the car and took them with them. We couldn't do anything!"

Murat fisted his hands and Manik stormed out of the room. Murat nodded and told that bodyguard to take rest and talked to the doctor for better treatments for their guards.

He came out of the hospital and saw Manik talking no scratch that he was barking orders.

"Search every station, every block, every building. I don't care who owns them and I don't trust those officers, they are as slow as snails." He spat and cut the call.

"We are going to the spot where the accident happened." Murat said and walked towards the car, knowing Manik handled other things.

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