Chapter 14

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Hayat's POV :

I was going to his house with him. Murat Malhotra became unconscious while working. I knew something like this going to happen as he didn't do what I said.

Flashback :

"u need to eat something. U are getting sick and u look like a white sheet."

"I have lots of work to finish there is no time to get sick."

"Well it doesn't need ur permission or any invitation." I said sarcastically.

"Miss Mathur, go and finish ur work."

"I still think u should eat something."

"Go!" he shouted.

Flashback end.

So here are we now heading towards his house and called the doctor there. I wanted to take him to the hospital but manager said it will be over all the news papers tomorrow.

His head was over my lap and he was out. This devil was working when he had such high fever. He was looking so innocent and his lashes... I caressed his chin and his stubble pricked in my hand. I put a wet cloth on his forehead.

Soon we were in front of his house and the driver with the help of other workers took him inside of his house.

Doctor came and checked him. He made a grim face and faced us.

"He is like this only. Always pushed him before he collapse. Take care and make sure to give him his medicine on time but before that he must eat something. who put the wet cloth on him?"


"Keep doing it." he said and went out.

I changed the wet cloth after sometime. His fever gradually started to get normal. I saw him opening his eyes and he looked at me.

"Why am I here? I have to work." he shouted.

It was so peaceful when he was passed out.

"Don't shout. U became senseless so here we are."

"I have to go." he said and tried to get up. But he held his head and sat down.

"See u can't so shut up and lay down."

I told the maid to bring some soup and it should be hot. I cleaned his face with wet tissues and made him drink some water.

"I don't want to eat anything." he said stubbornly.

"Really! If u heard me before and ate something, we wouldn't be here treating u." I said glaring at him

"I am the boss here if u forget that."

"Right now, u are the patient."

The maid came and placed the soup on the bedside table. She asked if we need anything more. I thanked her and told her that we don't need anything now.

"Come on now be a good boy and finish this."

"Nope, not happening." he said shaking his head.

"You..." I gritted my teeth and sat beside him. I took the bowl and take a spoon of soup holding it in front of him. But that devil looked away and shift his head to other side.

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