Chapter 42

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"Enough drama for one day.. Let's go Nandini" Hayat said Nandini sighed.

"U can't go, my dear." Jafar said and Hayat closed her eyes to relax.

"Grandpa.. We can't stay here longer."

"But u have to. Otherwise you will miss ur brother's wedding. It won't look good if the sisters miss their one and only brother's wedding." Jafar stated calmly.

"Wait, what?!" Manik and Murat said together.

"Brother's wedding.. Means Arsal's wedding?" Hayat asked confusingly.

"U fixed his wedding with someone else! U know Arsal is dating Myra. Moreover Myra is.."

"Nandini" Hayat said warningly.

"This is officially the worst day ever in my life. Nothing is making sense right now." Nandini said pressing her head with her hands. That time Arsal and Myra entered there.

"She said 'yes', Grandpa." Arsal said and Jafar smiled.

"Finally I can announce it."

"What the heck is going on?" Manik asked angrily.

"My bad, I didn't add it in the deal but there is nothing to make a deal."

"What is it?" Murat asked.

"Tomorrow is Arsal's and Myra's wedding."

"What?!" All shouted except Arsal.

"Old man u are getting mad.. We don't remember agree with any marriage." Manik said coldly and Myra's eyes were big.

"Oh but ur grandma did. She wants this marriage to happen as soon as possible. Myra deserves a proper proposal that's why I asked Arsal that today is the best time for propose."

"Grandma did? But why?" Murat asked still trying to connect the dots.

"She is ur Grandma. She knows what u all are up to. She is very disappointed with u two but equally happy with Myra." Jafar said and Myra's eyes widen. She started sweating thinking that her grandma knew it.

"Grandpa, not that I am complaining because I can't wait to make her my wife but why this sudden rush." Arsal asked and Hayat, Nandini saw Myra turning pale like she is going to faint.

"Myra dear, why don't you tell them why this sudden rush?" Jafar said and as if that was the right time to faint, she fainted and fall on Arsal.

"Myra!!" Everyone shouted and Arsal hold her carefully.

"Arsal, take her to ur room. I will inform the doctor." Jafar said and Arsal immediately picked her up and walked away with everyone tailing behind him.

He laid her on his bed and covered her with a duvet. She was turning too pale that's why Arsal and hayat started rubbing her palms.

Myra didn't expect her secret to be disclosed that way and that stressed her this much. It's not a good news in such condition, both Hayat and Nandini knew this.

Soon doctor came and check her while everyone was literally biting their nails in anxiety. Doctor gave her few injection to control her blood pressure.

"Sir, her blood pressure rose alarmingly and the information u gave me earlier, it's not good for her to stressed out so please take care of her.She needs rest." Doctor said to Jafar. After prescribing few medicines the doctor took their leave.

"What the hell is wrong with my sister? That doctor didn't even tell us." Murat said angrily.

"He literally ignored us. Let's just take Myra with us and we will admit her to the best hospital." Manik said.

"It does not matter how big of a hospital it is but it can't do anything in her case. They will also tell to take care of her and she needs rest." Jafar said.

"You tell us then.. Why she suddenly stressed? Why her BP suddenly skyrocketed?" Murat said huffing like a bull.

"Hayat and Nandini, want to do the honor of telling us?" They both became stiffed.

"No? I guess.."

"How do you know everything?" Nandini asked.

"I have to.. My child."

"Just tell us. Her health condition, this wedding. Every damn thing." Manik said angrily.

"Yes, Grandpa.. Its really anxious matter." Arsal said.

"Well Manik, u and your brother are going to be uncles soon and u my boy is going to be a father."

"What in the world?" Manik said widening his eyes. Murat's expression was same but he was silent.

"Are u serious?" Arsal asked in disbelief, didn't they used protection?

"I am so proud of you. Our family men are always fast. Even if they wrap it with plastic." Jafar said boosting his family treasure!

Hayat cleared her throat and Nandini pressed her forehead. "I so want to faint right now." Nandini mumbled.

"Count me in." Hayat whispered.

"You, scoundrel, how dare you?" Murat shouted angrily and pounced on Arsal. They both started fighting. Manik looked at them with a frown and separated them from each other.

"Bro, it's not work like this. He already knocked up our sister, no amount of beating is going to change that. Now I understand why grandma agreed. She is going to have a great grandchild."

"Yeah but that doesn't mean they have to get married." Murat glared.

"Myra wants this. We have to be happy for her happiness. What a well played game, Arsal!"

"No game, I am not an asshole like u guys. I love her and that's why she is with me. U do realize u both lost my sisters." Arsal whispered the last part.

"Grandpa.. Where is grandma? We want to see her." Hayat said, wanting to get out of there..

"Just go straight from this room. Last room of this corridor is her room. There is a nurse with her."

"Lets go, Nandu." they both stepped out of the room.

"Nandini, I made some decisions. It's okay if you want to stay here like this but I can't."

"No sis.. I will be with you."

Hayat sighed. "After this wedding, our life is going to change."


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Chapter 43 is updated on inkitt. The link is on my bio..

Love u all

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