Chapter 66

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Nandini got ready in a cute top and skirt. She could only manage those with her still wrapped up hand. It was really early in the morning and she planned to sneaked out without Manik noticing her.

She was almost successful as she made no sound till sje came to the door. She was about to hold the handle to open the door when a voice froze her.

"U claim to be a brave girl but you are sneaking out just like a thief."

She turned around fiercely, "Excuse me! I can very well just get out of here. I don't need to act like a thief."

"It didn't look like that. Where are you going?" Manik said unfolding his legs and sit straight on the couch.

"My shop."

"I think I told you to not go anywhere near heat and not to work. Then why are you going please explain it now!"

"That's exactly why I was going to sneak out. In one sentence he is saying please and ordering me simultaneously." Nandini murmured lowly.

"If you are saying something then say it clearly."

"In two days, you are going to have the party. You didn't let me work on anymore new flavors but at least I have to teach my workers how to make those few new ones."

"Can't they just do it with the recipe?"

"They can but it won't go anywhere where I wanted it to be."

"You can just video call."

"Manik, don't be stubborn! I need to go and instruct them. I will take care of myself, don't worry."

"Alright if you insist." Manik said and Nandini blinked.


"Yes, because I know you are not going to stop and it's not good to keep a woman who means business away from her shop, isn't it?"

"Umm.. Yes, I guess." Nandini frowned not having any answer.

"Good, driver is waiting for you outside. Have a good day at work."

"You, too."

Nandini still couldn't believe that he let her get away. 'Maybe finally he got his wit back. I am not some prisoner and now even my hand is a bit okay.' Nandini thought.

"Ah, finally I will be going back to my baby!"


Hayat woke up from her sleep when she felt a bit cold. "Why it's so cold?" she murmured and opened her eyes slowly. Her eyes roamed around the room and she knew exactly why.

Murat was not in bed in fact his place is close to become cold. The clock showed its seven in the morning. Hayat yawned and got up from her bed.

After her finishing her business in the washroom she was going to make breakfast for them as she thought Murat, probably gone for jogging.

But before she could do anything the door opened and Murat came in with a proper English breakfast.

"Good Morning, sweetheart." Murat said and chirped, putting the tray on a small table. She felt odd as Murat and chirpy can not stay in a single sentence.

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