Chapter 68

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Before Nandini could reply or express any kind of emotion, Manik kissed her, holding her face. The kiss was soft and delicate as if he was remembering the shape of her lips.

Later the kiss turned into a passionate one with both of them kissing each other urgently. Manik took care of her injured hand so that it would be okay even after their kiss.

They broke the kiss panting in the same air. "At least give me some time to react." Nandini said still panting.

"You will say nonsense again and I won't let you talk nonsense about my love."

"Good way to distract me but You called me, Aayat. Every nonsense left from there because I know you are serious when you call me by my birth name."

"Then tell me those three magical words."

They were already too close so she didn't have to come close to him. She caressed Manik's cheek delicately and with lovable eyes she whispered in a husky voice, "Manik.."

Manik was completely under her spell. He was just waiting for her to confess.. "Manik... We should go."

Nandini couldn't control her laugh anymore so she was laughing loudly. Her laugh broke his trance and he glared.

"No funny, Miss Uzun."

"Miss Mathur, I like it more than Uzun."

"Don't worry. I will change that soon."

"Manik! We should go back to party. My desserts will be out soon."

"This is not fair. I told you my feelings and it's your turn."

"You have to wait a lil bit Mr. Malhotra" Nandini winked and Manik literally pouted.

They came out exactly when the food started to come. Manik wanted her to seat and eat but Nandini said she needed to check on her team.

That time Manik also went with her thinking she was too soft with her workers. "Hey, why these are out? They are gonna melt before they make it to the table. Get them in the freezer!" Nandini shouted.

"Take them out when you send them to the tables. Are other things okay?" She was talking with her workers.

Manik was getting annoyed as she was telling them how she wanted everything which she told them before too.

"Didn't she give her instructions for these things before also?"

Manik's voice boomed with authority. The workers gulped and nodded as their answer, positive.

"And You call yourself workers when you can't even follow a simple instructions. She is doing this for the last time. After that if any mishap happens, you better pack your bags."

Nandini instructed them for the last time and Manik dragged her to their table. Their table had few businessmen along with their wives. Nandini smiled politely and they replied with warm smile.

Manik made sure their table to have good and well behaved people. He didn't want her to feel too conscious to enjoy her meal.

Nandini was smiling, tight-lipped at the people who were smiling at her because of Manik's fuss over her. "Eat this, don't eat this, it's not healthy, you are sick you can't eat it." All Nandini wanted was to slam the plate on his head that time also he would say 'You are injured, don't put so much pressure. Just tell me I will break it on my head.'

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