Chapter 23

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Nandini's POV:

I reached Manik's house. I came here for the first time but I didn't even look up to see it's beauty. I am still shaken from the earlier incident.

A woman in her fifty greeted us. Manik said she is Sara Aunty, Aunty Nina's cousin that works for Murat sir.

She showed me my room and asked if I want to eat anything. I politely declined. I already ate and the incident didn't leave any appetite to eat anything. Besides I do not want to bother her more late at night.

It was 1 and I still couldn't sleep. So I went out of the room. It wasn't dark in fact it was many small dim lights lighten up the whole house. Though I can't see much now but the house is absolutely gorgeous. Luxury screams from everywhere.

"Nandini" Someone said and I jumped.

"Manik! U scared me."

"Well why u aren't in ur bed sleeping?"

"I couldn't sleep. As if it's day time and I shouldn't be sleeping."

"Ok. Do you want some milk."

"No.. I don't want ..."

"How about chocolate milk shake?! I know how to make it.. Come come."

He practically dragged me to the kitchen and started making it.

"I didn't know u know the kitchen stuff."

"not to much. Only enough to servive."


"Look i know u don't want to talk about it but do u know who it was."

"I think that was a very serious prank. Maybe that got to  know about Hayat leaving and all."

"U handeled it  very well.. Good job."

"I didn't.."

"U did."

"I just hide like a coward.."

"Not that he was going to hurt you."

"What?! How did u know?"

"Bcz he didn't go anywhere near ur room."


"Here u go.." he said giving me the cup

"Umm.. U know exactly how to bribe a chocolate lover.."

"Won't I make a good boyfriend?"

"Yeah.. If ur girlfriend is a chocolate lover like me."

"What if u become my gf." I froze and saw his smirk..

"Ha ha very funny. It was the best one i heard."

"No seriously.. It will be easy.. I won't have to search for a chocolate lover."

"U can find most of the girls love chocolate. So, don't worry."

"We will see."

"Manik, please don't tell di about what happened today."

"I won't but I had to tell my brother. Don't worry brother will take care of her."

"Hmmm.. Wait, u knew di is participating in that competition."

"When I called him sometime ago. He told me that time."

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