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Please read till the end because there is a poll at the end.


U may notice that I have 8 OS in my profile.. U see when I first started writing, I loved writing OS because they were one shots easy to write with no dragging.. But now I don't feel like writing anymore OS so I am not going to write anymore OS unless I feel like it.. No matter how much u request to me because I seriously can't.


U may have read tons of Billionare and assistant story on wattpad, I myself did so.. Ur questions were why I am not writing like those stories where the boss use the assistant for s*x, use regressive vulgar words and mentally abuse her in the name of romance..

I know if I followed their path then this story would have millions reads because people are attracted towards exploited things but I didn't use those because I don't support them so putting it in my story is a no no. And I didn't wanted to ruin Manan and Haymur essence.

Sure it's different plot and slight change in character but I can't see even in my dream that Manik and Murat using Hayat and Nandini for their physical needs and talking dirty.... nope.....

So I think u got ur answer regarding Billionaires Assistants.. And this story is lot different from the cliché boss-assistant story.


So I am going to start a new story about two actors ( I am inspired from a real life actors couple. U can guess after reading the chapters but no promise of confirming it😜)

So as it's basically on the actors so I am bit confused here.. Should I name the characters as Manik and Nandini or use thier real name, Parth and Niti.

 Should I name the characters as Manik and Nandini or use thier real name, Parth and Niti

Deze afbeelding leeft onze inhoudsrichtlijnen niet na. Verwijder de afbeelding of upload een andere om verder te gaan met publiceren.

I can't decide so comment ur opinion in inline comments..

1. Manik & Nandini - Manan

2. Parth & Niti - Pani

Choose wise and do comment ur choice.. So I can start working on it soon..

Thanks in advance

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