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❦ chapter ²⁰ ❦

"I dare you..." jungkook smirked. "to show me how you practice, show me how skilled you are."

smart move, jungkook.
taehyung started feeling a little turned on.
he loved how jungkook truly believed with all his heart that he would be the dominant top between them two.
maybe it was time for taehyung to prove him wrong?

taehyung set his drink aside and moved closer to jungkook. jungkook's eyes widened a little, he wasn't prepared for such closeness.

"well okay then... do you have a special preference of an outfit you'd like me to wear or..." taehyung leaned in even closer and whispered. " ... do you want me to do it naked?"

jungkook leaned back a little astonished and gulped.

"uh.. um, well you perform in clothes, so-so I guess you should do it while you're dressed.." jungkook stuttered.

"well, I do like performing without clothes but... for you I'll put something on, let's go." taehyung stood up and gestured jungkook to do the same.

they walked upstairs into a big bedroom with a pole in it.
jungkook didnt even get time to look around, he was hardly pushed on the bed by taehyung. the elder trapped jungkook between his hands as he hovered over him.
"I never show such things to anybody in private so... you can say you're lucky."

"and special?"

"just lucky."

jungkook chuckled, he was a little speechless from taehyung's actions. he didn't expect for him to do something like this.

"so what would you like for me to wear?" taehyung asked as he opened up his huge wardrobe and scanned through the clothing he had.

at first jungkook really didnt know what to tell taehyung, but then all of a sudden a flashback ran through his head:

"suits are hot only if they are worn by guys that are fucking you." jimin mumbled and jungkook stopped abruptly looking at jimin with annoyance. "I'm not wrong okay?"


suits are hot only if they are worn by guys that are fucking you, jimin?
jungkook looked at taehyung and smirked.
let's test this out, I guess.

"a suit?" jungkook said a little quietly.

"oh, you have a little something for guys in suits? how did you hold yourself back at the casino?" taehyung teased and got out some clothes of which jungkook could only see a tie and a dress shirt.
"I'll be back."

taehyung disappeared behind the black dividers and all jungkook could hear were some rustling sounds.
a little while after, taehyung came out from the dividers and jungkook's mouth dropped to the floor.

taehyung was wearing an over sized dress shirt that was more than half unbuttoned, a black tie tied loosely around his neck, tight shorts that emphasized on taehyung's ass and black high heels.

if jungkook at some points still doubted his sexuality, then after seeing this, the answer was final.

taehyung clicked a button on some remote control making slow yet a little upbeat music play in the background.
taehyung walked confidently in those heels, every step making a loud click sound.
jungkook was biting his lip harshly while watching taehyung's every step.

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