I grab my emergency defibrillator and use it to shock her heart back into a normal rhythm. I do this a couple of times.

"Come on, Opal." I grunt. "You're stronger than this." I state.

I'm about on my hundredth shock and still no response. "Come on!" My voice echoes throughout the room. Evan is behind me now and he stops me from making anymore contact with her chest. I push him away and keep trying but he grabs me and stands in front of her.

"That's enough!" Evan shouts. "She's gone. You've done all that you could." He looks down at her helpless body. Blood now running from her nose and ears.

I refuse to believe this.

"You don't understand. She can't die." I seethe, but Evan shakes his head.

"You've dome all you could." He says and walks out of the room, leaving me alone.

I stare down at Opals face. I throw the defibrillator against the wall, breaking it into pieces.

I'm on my knees beside her now,

"Opal, you're not allowed to die. I saw you. I saw you." I cry into her hand. "This isn't how it's supposed to end." I stand up, and start pacing back and forth. "We're supposed to grow old together." I whisper the last, afraid of anyone hearing.

I hear a knock at the door. I get up to answer. Jospeh is standing there, his face blank but as soon as he sees the messy state I'm in he shakes his head.

"You were supposed to save her." He pushes me out of the way. Avery follows in soon after, I wipe my tears and stand there watching as they grieve, my emotions off as I stare blankly at them.

"Wake her up." Avery says. "This isn't funny." She cries into Jospeh's chest.

"I was just starting to like you Opal." Avery whispers.

Jospeh is about to say something when the machine she's connected to starts to beep. We all turn to the machine.

"She's breathing, but hardly." Jospeh says and he checks her pulse. I move them out of the way and connect her to a breathing tube and mask.

For now the machine will keep her alive. For the rest of the day I stay cooped up in the lab, I know Jospeh and Avery are still in the room with Opal.

Evan walks in, I check the time, almost two in the morning.

"How are you?" Evan asks, and I catch the suspicion behind his question.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"I know that took a toll on you. I've never seen you react that way." Evan states.

"Your point?" I mutter, as I input  my research into the computer.

"Why do you care for her so much?" He questions as he leans against my desk.

"You know how I feel about people dying. Especially if they're in my care." I ignore his accusing tone. He nods and crosses his arms,

"Doctors are taught, I'm sure to know how to deal with deaths. I mean patients I get it, but your relationship with them is strictly professional. Yes it's sad, you have to deal with the family and everything that comes along with it. But Opal..." He stops there to look at me and I greet him with a glare.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now