"Yeah, so what!? Also is that all you have to say?" She gave me a look, her palm on her chest as if saying 'how dare you?'

I gave her a shrug, not really caring. She then rolled her eyes at me then hopped out of her bike. As if presenting a brand new invention, she got on her knees and spread her arms at her bike.

"This baby has 392 horsepower with 411 pound-feet of torque. Made out of magnesium alloy that can withstand a direct hit at a wall at 80 mph!" She stated without losing a breath.

If this continues, it would take all day to stop her. She's a crazy gearhead with a thing for fast bikes. I just wanted this to be over so I put up a fake smile and gave her a thumbs up. Satisfied with my response, she hopped back in her bike then stomped on the gear. The engine roared like a den of lions. Smoke was whisking out of the exhaust pipes. Revving her bike, the constant rumble and spews of smoke from the bike gave me chills. I had to admit, it was amazing. But I'm late, and that's more important. I threw my bag over my shoulder, then joined Racquel on the bike.

"Show me how fast this thing is!" I shouted.

With an evil grin that would make men cower in fear like babies, she gave me a salute then revved the bike forward. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I died.

Not really. But it felt like it. We were going so fast, I felt like my face was melting off. We were dodging cars and buses, taking every shortcuts, beating every red light. I wanted to scream, but it got stuck on my throat and I was left gagging like a seal.

Then when I thought things couldn't get any worse, she hit the brakes. The screeching of the tires attracted the local people who thought they were going to have a peaceful day. They were wrong. We stopped near a street where most of the stores and fast-food restaurants were. Directly in front of us, is a burger place that recently opened. I always wanted to try their bestseller: The Submaripper.

But for now, that's way off my mind. Confused to why we suddenly just stopped, I was about to ask her why when Racquel silenced me with a wave of her hand. I was shocked that Racquel was brave enough to do that. No one has done that before without receiving a punch in the arm. But I'm even more shocked at myself. I was probably too stunned about it. Yeah, probably that.

"Stay here, while I pick something up." Then like a hamster, she scurried away.

What's taking her so long?

She's been gone for 10 minutes! I'm surprised that I'm still not that late. Still have 15 more minutes. I decided to take out my phone, scroll through the pictures in my gallery to pass time. I had my phone for 5 years so I had an entire five years-worth of pics in here. I scrolled randomly, not bothering to check them all out. Then I noticed a folder that says 'do not open'.

Guess what I did.


I know. Ironic, isn't it?

When I opened it, it only contained three pictures. At first, I was confused. What kind of person would put three pics in a single folder

Oh, yeah. Me.

Then realization hit me like a smack in the face. I finally remembered this. I used to label this album as my most precious pictures. One was a old pic of me and my parents. My mom, Ingrid Hofferson, was a beautiful woman. Light brown hair, ocean-blue eyes, dimples whenever she smiled. She was perfect. And that's why my father, Colt Hofferson, fell in love with her. For a tough guy, he sure goes jelly whenever he sees my mom. My dad was a tall and muscular guy with short blond hair, light-blue eyes, and the straightest teeth I have ever seen. I missed them. When I heard that they passed away in a train accident, I broke down. Locked myself in my room for days, refusing to eat or sleep. I was miserable for weeks, months.

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