Chapter 18

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Knock. Knock.
"Come in." Tobias yells as he looks out a window. A servant comes in.

"Your majesty, one of the magic holders have been hearing of a ball that is to take place in about 2 weeks for the return of the princess." What could it be now? Can't anybody see I want to be alone? Cause it doesn't seem I'm going to be with the....Wait what did she say? Return of the princess!?

"Repeat!" I demanded.

"Um, there is going to be a ball in Elaria for the returned princess."


"In about 2 weeks."

"Figure out the exact date. Now!" The servant lady ran out of the room. She is alive? She must have fooled Odele...Or Odele lied to me! I knew she hated her, but what is wrong with her to not only try to kill her but then lie to me about we death! Odele, I swear I am done playing games with you. "Lexi! Kai!" They came in the room as he yelled.

"Yes, King Madeira?" Lexi says.

"I want you both to find out what Odele is planning and why. I want everything and I'm not in the mood for screw ups."

"Yes, my king." Lexi says then bows.

"Is there any reason for us to be watching her?" Kai asks and Lexi looks at him with strain eyes. Who does he think he is?

"I don't have to answer to you."

"Forgive me." Kai then bows and they turn to leave.

"Wait. While you both are doing that, I want to find out more about the princess's return to Elaria." The stop for a brief moment. Kai tenses. "Is there a problem?"

"No, your Highness. I just was thought to believe she was dead." Kai glances at Lexi to see tears welling in her eyes.

"Yes... Be off." They leave before anything else could be said. I wonder how loyal they are? Well, I back into a good mood. But I won't be hopeful till she is mine.


Sorry for the short chapter!!
So, Lexi and Kai!!! Did you see that coming? What do you guys think will happen or what's with Lexi and Kai working for Tobias? Please comment and vote!!! Thank you for reading!!

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