Chapter 29

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Asher POV:

I can't tell her. This would ruin everything. She can't know... how will she react? I have to tell her. I don't want to lose her. I sigh and look into her eyes. Her eyes tell me she is trying to draw back from me. Like I'm going to hurt her...again. I roll my eyes and look away. I can't stand seeing the light fade from her eyes when her opinion changed of me.

"I'm not a magic holder." I say simply.

"What?" She says almost with a laugh of disbelief.

"I never was."

"Your joking! I've known you since we you little. You've always..."

"No! No I haven't been. I'm a human. An ordinary, not magical at all, human. This," I put my wrist up and wiggle the bracelet. "This is where is get my magic. The stone on it is a wind holder stone."

"But... how?" She says trying to put everything together.

"Well...My parents abandoned me and your mom found me wandering around. She knew I was human and I didn't hold no benefit, but she still took me in. I don't know why. She taught me about the magic world and finally I was able to choose which power I wanted...well the stone chose me." I looked a Liv. "Then I met you. You were finally old enough for people outside if family to see."

"Asher...." Liv starts not looking at me. Here it comes. The I can't believe you, you lied, why didn't you tell me, I thought we were friends, etc.

"Please wait. I didn't really think it mattered... you knew when we were really young and I just hoped you would remember on your own or not at all... Cause I didn't want you thinking any less of me because al the princes have magical powers and...."

"Asher!" She cut me off. She started to laugh and looked at me.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Asher, I don't care that you are human. I don't care if you aren't a magic holder by blood and have to use a stone. I don't care about any of that stuff, what I care about is you and that your in my life. As long as your honest with me, it doesn't matter." I smirked.
"Why are you smiling now?"

"That wasn't the reaction I thought I was going to get." I laughed. She fell into arms and we laid back down on the hammock.

"Isn't it a beautiful night." She said as he eyelids slowly fell shut.

"Your beautiful." I whispered right before she fell asleep and a small smile creeped upon her face.

Aweeee!!! Another chapter done!!!! Tell me how the chapter was, what I can improve on, how I can help the story, you ideas for what should happen or might happen, etc. PLEASE COMMENT AND LIKE!!!!! Thank you!!!

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