"She deserved it. The woman is a fucking murderer and she deserves to rot in hell." I reply with scoff.

I'm sorry, Heather...

"You talk dirty. I like that." He said, with a disgusting smile on his face. I fought the urge to lurch and vomit. How could a simulation make something look so realistic? But I need to keep a neutral face on. Luckily, the sense of smell can't be simulated, so I couldn't smell the stench from his breath. But I still need to lure him in.

"Why am I here? What'd you call me for?" I pop out the question so I could get out of here faster. I am an impatient woman.

Judge Laika halted. His eyebrows scrunched, his nose wrinkling. He's probably thinking whether to tell me or not. When he faltered, I knew that I have to do something. An idea suddenly popped in m head but I was hesitant. It was petty trick that I learned from the girls in highschool to get what they want. I never even thought of using it until now. So I uncrossed my legs, and for three seconds, I held my legs apart. I nearly hurled when he licked his lips, but I was able to stomach it. After that, I quickly crossed my legs once again. Ugh, that was the sluttiest thing I've ever done.

"You have a certain quality that I'm interested in." He finally replied with a stomach-churning smirk.

"And what is that?" I reply, lifting a challenging brow. I did my best to hold my nausea inside where it belongs. He stepped forward, a leering smile growing on his face. I wanted to smack and pull him by his burnt tumbleweed that he calls a beard but I stopped myself.

"Your dirtiness..." Judge Laika breathed out.

I sucked in a breath, as I felt a shiver run down my spine. I kept on reminding myself that this is just a simulation. Nothing bad is going to happen to me. Other than Night Fury's death glare if we fail.

"You played that bitch like it was a game." He continued to say.

All I have to do is to kill him with no else watching.

"Which also happens to be our expertise."

No one else looking...

"I have a proposal for you."

I look around. There weren't any security camera's or surveillance. Not a single trace of a security measure. That's when I realize how ignorant this man is. To think that he was so powerful that he didn't even bother to put up security.

"Join us. And we can snatch millions of dollars. We'll be swimming in riches while we watch those poor bastards rot in jail."

I'm alone. With him. With no one else looking. Hmm, how convenient.

"What do you say?" He offered me his hand, expecting me take it. I hesitantly raised my hand and reached for his. Thinking I was going to grab his hand, a sickening smile reached his lips.

"I say... SIKE!" I yell out as I wrap my hand around his other arm to prevent him from stopping me, then I took off his Rolex from his wrist with my other hand. As quickly as possible, I remove the first strap, revealing a blade. I first noticed it when I saw a small lock between the clockhead and the strap.

Without even giving him a second to react, I stuck the blade deep into the side of his neck. Judge Laika let out a choked scream, right before I bury the blade deeper into his neck. Blood trickled from his wound and his mouth. He began to gargle from the blood rising in his mouth. I pull out the blade-watch from his neck, then watched as blood flowed out of his wound like a river. I felt a tinge of regret and guilt for a second, until it all went away. This man persecuted innocent people and abused his power for his own satisfaction. I'm sorry, but he deserves this!

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