"Ya I got them Woods. You are free to enter. The school is now mine." Raven says still typing. We all get out and each carry a bag. Lexa stays a little farther from me.

"Okay here we go." Octavia says as she pulls out her tools and starts unlocking the front office entrance.

We walk in and go to the principals room. Lea turns on the light and we all get to work.

First we duck tape her whole desk. Which took 20 minutes. We then messed with her picture frames and tilted them all to the side. Lexa told us she has OCD.

After that we put an air horn on the door frame so when she opens the door it will go off. Then we put a small camera in a corner that will connect to Ravens phone. It also will self destruct when we tell it to. Raven is awesome.

Lexa then takes a paper from her pocket and opens it to show a sentence.

"Don't mess with the Home Of the Grounders." It is types out. Lincoln turns off the light and puts sticky glue on the stitch as we close the door and leave.

We all get in our cars and drive to our homes. Luna drops Monty and Jasper off. They bring me back home and I go upstairs to Lexa room. She is already in bed with the lights off.

I slip in the room and change into my pajamas. I climb in bed and lightly glide my finger on Lexa shoulder.

She stays 'asleep'.

"Lexa.... I know you are awake. You have lighter breathing when you are asleep." I say and she sighs and rolls over to look at me.

"I- I told you not to go. We could have been caught." She says frowning.

"Lexa I'm sorry but I feel like this tension we have right now isn't about  me going to the schools." I say runny my hand through her hair.

"Clarke. We are okay." She says hugging my torso and laying her head on my shoulder. 

Clarke.... where is that accent she always has on the C and K. What is happening.


Lexa's POV

(two days before)

Clarke and I are laying on the couch somewhat watching TV while talking about or days. She laughs at a joke I just made about Principal Nia.

"Seriously Lex." She says through a giggle. "You can't do anything we aren't going to get into good collages if you get caught."

"I know I know." I say smiling a little. "Where exactly do you want to go?" I ask curiously.

"I have been looking at Arkadia University." She says nodding a little. "They have a really good med. program." Clarke says looking happy.

"I think you will do good there." I say rubbing her leg. Arkadia. That's 3 hours away. 3. Drummers aren't getting into that school.

"What about you Lexa?" She says eating some chips.

"I- uh well-" I was cut off by my Mom walking in the door. Thank heda. I don't know how I'm going to tell Clarke I'm probably not going to collage and I'm definitely not going to as smart of collage as her.

"Lexa so I had a question, could I borrow your car tomorrow? Me, Henry, and some of his buddies are going to the buddies are going to the beach. Your Jeep is a great beach car."

"Uh.... I mean.... as long as Hendry doesn't even try thinking about driving it, sure." I answer then to avoid answering the question I stand up. "I'm going to go get more chips." I say taking the bowl and walking into the kitchen. I can hear Clarke and Mom talking.

"Hey Anya I put in my collage applications that this was my address. I forgot to ask you if you mind. I just... it slipped my mind that this wasn't my actual house." Clarke explains and I can hear my mother laugh.

"Clarke. This is not only your home but it's our house too. You are apart of this family forever." Anya says.

I look at the counter and see a letter. I look at it closer and see it is addressed to Clarke.

Clarke E. Griffin
From Arkadia University

I stare at the letter. I hear someone walking in and take the letter hiding it under my shirt. Anya walks in and over to the fridge.

"That one there is a keeper Lexa. Whatever you do. Don't let this one out of your arms." She says grabbing a drink pointing at me and leaving.

I nod. "I won't let her out of my arms." I say quietly pulling the letter out again and looking at it.

Sorry for not updating lately. I have been busy with Indoor Marching season! Hope you enjoy the chapter.

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