Chapter 58 *Finale*

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Two Year Time Skip - Meet Again And For The First time

As soon as I opened the modern, wooden white, front door, the brilliant true yellow sun glowed directly on me. The hot rays that glimmered and shined blinded me but I quickly got used to its glory. I stepped out of the building in a rush, pacing through the front yard to make it on the sidewalk.

The streets were empty but this wasn't a surprised since it's only eight in the morning. I patted down my black skater skirt to remove any lint and rubbed down my hair to control any sort of frizz. I never felt so anxious and insecure, but yet so excited.

I mean, just look at me. I'm wearing a skirt and heels. I haven't dressed up like this in years and it wasn't because I didn't want to but I just didn't have the time or reason to.

I'm not saying that I don't enjoy looking like this. Actually, I missed feeling attractive for a change. All I've been doing is fighting stupid pirates that try to invade this island and take care of my family.

"Look, it's her." A voice targeted me, cooing down my eardrums.

Having this phrase said out loud automatically made me feel worthless and alone. I couldn't help the fact that I actually did start to feel sad like I'm some type of kid getting teased. This phrase just made me think of how I used to be treated when I was younger. I thought no one would be around anyways so I wondered who it was.

I dreaded the fact that I had to turn around and see the one who said this, feeling my eyes widen when I saw a group of little school girls. They all stared at me, having their eyes popped open and their pigtails start to stand.

I tilted my head and looked at them confused. I wondered why they just stared at me like that without saying anything but I was completely set off guard when one of them squealed and let off a domino effect.

I flinched when the group of screaming girls rushed and ran to me, opening their arms to hug me. I was so much taller than them so they only reached my hips.

I groaned at how tightly they held me but still manage to giggle at how excited they were.

"Miss Lucy!" They chanted, trying to catch my attention.

One girl in particular that had her face dug in my stomach looked up at me and grinned big, showing off her pink braces. "How are you, Miss Lucy?" She asked, blinking excessively and still had her big smile on.

I grinned sheepishly, "Uh... fine really. I just can barely... breathe right now."

She gasped and finally let me go. "Oh, sorry!" The girls all around her started to back up and line up in front of me. "We're just really excited to see you!"

I bent my knees to fit their height. "Why's that?" The warmness of this conversation and the sweet innocent children around me smiling made me feel blessed to be alive.

The leader school girl leading the pack giggled and responded, "We wanted to see the strongest and coolest person on the island before we go to school!"

I gasped and placed my hand on my chest. "What? You mean me?" I bit my lip to hold down my smile.

The girls all started to nod and answered my sarcastic question. "Yeah!"

I began to laugh and felt flattered. Even though they were children, it was nice to have someone look up to you.

"You guys are too sweet for your own good but I don't think you guys should get side tracked on your way to school." I stood back on my feet and pretended to have a stern expression but they saw right through it.

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