Chapter 39

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The Library - Leaning For a Kiss

I rubbed my palm atop of my head, brushing down my silky blonde hair to clam down any sort of frizz. I sat on my vanity chair, staring at myself in the mirror. Still rubbing down my hair, I couldn't help but feel guilty for what I was doing.

Why am I trying to fix my hair? Why all of a sudden, I care how I look? Why ever since he came back, I've become an insecure mess?!



The Warlord was only gone for three weeks and Johnny ended up leaving after he stayed for only the first five days. Bastard left me alone for two weeks because he had 'business'.

I should have kicked him hard.

Besides being a backstabber, we had fun hanging out until he started to bring up the subject about Dracule.

Gosh, I just wanted to punch him! Why does he have to make everything so awkward?

I admitted to myself that I have...


feelings.... for Dracule but I sure as hell won't tell anyone else. It's not like we're going to end up together, it's just a horrible situation that I have to deal with until I leave.


This is torture.

Sometimes I try to convince myself that I only think he's cute, that's so weird to say, but I feel starstruck when we encounter each other. I start getting all these stupid symptoms like; heart beating abnormally faster, I start stuttering, I can barely stop staring at him when he's not looking, sweaty palms (gross), blushing, and so much more obviously noticeable acts that I can not control.

And what's worse is that he is acting so nice to me. He does all these really good things but ends up ruining his image by scaring the crap out of me. He just leaves me so confused and it's so annoying because my emotions are a mess.

I adjusted the collar of my shirt and whipped down the wrinkles before standing up. It's around four in the afternoon and I was heading to get some books from his room. That's why I'm making sure my hair looks okay...



I was mostly running than walking as I dashed through the long narrow halls. I was excited to pick out more books for me to read, being the only way to entertain myself all day. I only had one book for me to return to the shelf so running wasn't an issue.

As soon as I saw the familiar room door, I skipped a few steps and wanted to burst inside. That thought was quickly thrown out when I heard someone inside. I tilted my head as I pushed a little closer to the door, hearing more clearer sounds this time. That can only mean one thing.

Dracule is inside.


I'm just going to have to wait until he leaves because I'm trying to avoid him. I used to always stay inside his room and pick out some books while he was there and I didn't really care. But now, it's a whole different story. My brain wouldn't shut up and I get way too nervous if I'm alone with him.

Especially in his room.


That's weird.

I made a 360 degree turn, going back to where I came from before he notices I'm here.

"Blonde Girl." A sudden deep voice came from inside the room, being perfectly loud enough for me to hear. I nearly yelped when I heard his sudden voice and it was even more freaky when he was calling me!

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