Chapter 3

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His Name is Revealed - Dracule Mihawk

Honestly the only reason I went inside the castle was to hide from the monkeys but now I just noticed, I'm starving. It's only natural since I haven't ate in two days... Or three... I haven't been keeping track.

Since that guy lives here he probably has like a kitchen and that means FOOD!

But I have to be sneaky because if he finds me I'm going to be dead. He tried to kill me once but probably pitied me after I passed out in fear but who would blame me?

It honestly wasn't fair since every room I went into had a spiderwebs hanging out and I was too scared to go where I was yesterday since he was there, or... maybe not?

Should I?





Okay fine.

I finally convinced myself and decided to go to the part of the castle I was in yesterday. I took a deep breath, mentally wrote down my will and went on. Strangely enough, this part of the castle had candles and lanterns everywhere and wasn't covered in spiderwebs and dust like the rest.

I noticed a room door opened while I walked in the halls. That looks curious. I then walked inside the room and noticed a wine bottle on top of a long pink table.

Wine, huh?

No no no. I go completely crazy when I drink alcohol. But I'm really hungry though. I decided to walk closer and see what type of wine is it, the bottle was still full and closed. That's a good sign, right?

"What are you doing?" A deep voice interrupted my thoughts, causing me to flinch and almost drop the bottle of wine. I put it back on the table and turned to face that guy.

Fuck my life.

"Um-m... I got chased by monkeys so I hid here." I explained, completely stuttering and looking at my hands that were folded the whole time. He then walked over to me which made me freeze but he only took the wine and went to sit at the end of the table. Now that I noticed, this room was like a huge dining room.

"Why are you still here?" He asked, while pouring the the wine inside a glass cup. I was still, unfortunately, facing down looking at my hands completely frozen while my golden blonde hair fell on my cheeks and eyes.

I cleared my throat and turned to face him but I WOULD NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT. "Well... I haven't ate in days so-"

"Get out." He ordered, cutting off my explanation. He didn't even seem pissed, just bored, he was staring at a newspaper while holding a glass of wine.

I was so confused, why is he asking me questions then telling me to leave.


Still, his eyes were on the newspaper and his voice calm and deep, he repeated himself. "Get out."

This time I couldn't help but look up at him, even though he didn't do the same I honestly was clueless on his reasons. "Why?"

"You are bothering me. I don't want you to make contact with me." He answered me a second after I asked. My mouth opened a little as I watched him say that.

Was this guy serious? I'm in the worst situation ever and he doesn't want to help me, a helpless girl who is starving.

I didn't know if he was trying to intimidate me but I just got pissed. I mean, I'm hungry and he is just drinking wine not even offering me some. Of course I'm not going to say that out loud but still I'm not going without a fight.

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