Chapter 45

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Her Feelings - His Feelings

It was dark and quiet.

We were both together.

It was calm and empty but yet, the whole room was full of emotion. Silent craving that was suggested by him in his room.

It was late at night, around nine or ten. I decided to march to his room to ask him a question about the book I was reading. We weren't mad at each other and this day was a normal one. I didn't suspect anything until I found his eyes glowing perfectly in front of me when we just stared at each other.

I walked in and he was shirtless, posing almost because he rayed in perfection. I admired him each time I could but this time he didn't keep quiet. After I got my answer, that's when I felt a strong force overcome this atmosphere.

We were both frozen, looking at each others eyes deeply while we leaned closer. I only remember realizing how soft he was, how smoothly my fingers ran through his body. But still, he was tough and hard with an intoxicating flavor. The electric sparks, the soft breaths, the temptation; I could feel everything so vividly. The scent, the mood, the lust; it was all visible at that moment.

I chuckled lightly as my mind began to reach back to reality, grabbing hard to whatever I held on. What happened?

I squint my eyes hard before creaking them opening, seeing everything blurry for the first five seconds. I was laying down on something really comfortable, clutching hard on a pillow. I realized that I wasn't in my room and quickly recognized it was the Warlord's. Why am I in his room?

An alerting signal rung in my brain, desperately wondering what happened. I looked down to what I was laying on and found a... chest? What the hell, I thought I was on a pillow. I rubbed my cheeks on it, feeling the warmth and smoothness relax me before I rose my head up.

Dracule laying under me, completely shirtless with the bottom half of our bodies covered by a white soft blanket. He was still in deep sleep, having his eyes shut while he gently breathed back and fourth, his mouth slightly opened. I realized I had my head laying on top of his chest, clutching tight on him like a kid.

"Hehe..." I gently giggled, noticing how adorable he looked. I felt a cool breeze blow past my chest, feeling a bit... empty. I lowered my head to gently kiss his chest before wrapping my hands around the upper half of my body and jumping off of him. I wanted to rush out of there before he woke up. It would be so awkward and then maybe we'd talk about it NA NA NA.

Too awkward.

I simply grabbed his white button up shirt and covered myself. I buttoned up the middle buttons and collected my clothes then raced out of there. Before opening the door and exiting, I turned my back to look at the Warlord who was still sound asleep.

I bit my lip but almost flinched when I saw him slightly move, giving my engine a kick and bursting out the door. I quietly closed the door after myself, exhaling in relief that I escaped successfully without anyone knowing.

"Lucy?" A sudden voice called me, making me gasp and lose my grip from the items on my hands. They fell below me but I was too distracted by my name suddenly being called to care at this point. I turned my head to look for the source, finding a long body that was thin with a familiar dusky brown hair color.

"Johnny?" I tried to catch my breath as I stared at his bright ocean blue eyes, sparkling at me with him grinning cheerfully. I chuckled, "You scared the crap out of me!"

Sometimes he reminds me of Dracule since they both appear out of no where because last time I checked, Johnny wasn't even on this island and now he's in front of me. It looks like he just arrived since he still wore his big jacket and backpack hanging behind him.

Living With A Hawk (One Piece FanFic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt