Chapter 19

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Lucy Falls in The River - Tell Me Your Devil Fruit Power

I need some clothes.


Shit, I need a sword.

This whole dodging practice thing is killing me, that is if Dracule isn't going to first.

But I've noticed that its been getting easier to avoid him and realize when will he attack. It's pretty surprising, I know, but I think it is helping me...or killing me.

I was currently hiding with Devious behind a tree (like usual) and I couldn't hear Dracule anywhere. Maybe that idiot really did lose me. I hope!

"There you are." Announced an expected deep voice from behind the trees, making me yelp and run from were I hid.

"How do you keep finding me?" I cried while I ran with full speed as I ducked from his attacks.

"You're loud." He answered, cutting off everything from his path.

I'm loud?!


But before I could ask any questions, I noticed that I have arrived near the river.

There was no where for me to run unless I crossed the river. I couldn't go back to the forest since I had Dracule trying to kill me. My eyes scanned the area, trying to find a way to cross the river without touching the water. I found a log that cut through half of the river and rocks peeking through the water, leading to the other side.

I soon heard the tree fall from behind me, indicating the Warlord was close.

I was suppose to detect his attacks and avoid them but I couldn't help but run away. It's been four days now and he said we couldn't continue on with the next step of training because if I can't detect an attack then I can't create one.

He's so confusing.

That bastard isn't giving me any hints and I had no choice but to run away.

I need to stay alive.

I paced to the huge log that sat on the river, meeting it halfway. Before I crossed it, I took a deep breath and pulled out my hands for balance. Each step I made was light and slow, trying not to fall or slip. The water hitting the log made it rock, almost making me fall off into the river then to my death.

Suddenly, a horrific power flew my direction. I noticed the log had been cut in half, completely destroying its solitary position. The air in my lungs rushed out my body as it was now slowly falling down to the river.

I'm going to drown.

It was a pretty helpless situation, I had nothing to grab onto. I just watched the normal gloomy sky this island had as my body sunk.

I soon felt something grab my hand before I landed in the water, it was firm and quick. I quickly noticed the warmth it provided my wrist, I pulled my head to find the reason why I was flowing and I saw...Dracule.

He held me up as by body dangled above the water. If he'd let go, I'd be a goner.

The Warlord pulled me up to meet his face, his expression was blank like usual. "Answer this question." Dracule commanded as his warm breath kissed my cheeks.

I was just staring back at him, still pacing hard because you know...I ALMOST DIED!

"What is your devil fruit ability?"

My devil fruit ability?


Why the hell does he care?

I closed my jaw and gulped, I would never tell him. It's none of his business! It's something that I can't stand about myself and I'd never use it anyway.

I stayed quiet, I didn't know how to tell him without sounding like a bitch and he's kinda holding my life in his hand.

"Answer or I will let go." Dracule negotiated, almost making me gasp.


But still, I didn't say anything. I didn't even look away from his gaze, I just stared back blank.

"You do not think I'll do it?"

Actually, I do.

I do think he'd do it but I still have a little hope he won't.

This staring contest we made was intense, almost stabbing each other with our gaze. He looked so cold and dangerous where I looked proud but of course helpless.

Dracule then let a small smirk build on his lips, making me flinch a little. Suddenly I noticed his grip disappear and I felt gravity take ahold of my body again. I watched his face, never letting go of his piercing sight as I was falling. How could he be so cruel? He just let go of me and now...I'm going to drown.

As soon as my feet touched the river, the freezing temperature felt like a thousand knifes stabbing my skin.

I sunk so fast and easy as my body was devoured whole by the river.

I felt so weak and sleepy...

Everything just looked slow motion, the pain from not breathing and the horrific temperature blurred.

Being dropped in the sea is how I always wanted to die.

Slow and painful.

A way I deserved to go.

Each time I would fall in the sea it would just bring me back to the day I last swam.

I could even begin to hear voices brush my ears, voices I missed so much.

It was my deceased family.



My brother.

Every time I fell in the water I remembered that day...the day when I became a monster.

I can still remember the smell of pollen in the air as I sat with Carol at the island coast.

The day he found a fruit floating in the water and gave it to me.

I still remember the taste.

Then everything dying.

I still remember going home to tell my family.

My family.

My mother.

My father.

My brother.

How could I do such a thing?

How could I

...kill them?

*** you guys know. (:

Next chapter is called, 'Lucy's Past - Eating The Reaper Reaper Fruit'

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