Chapter 28

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Calling Hanna Island - Inappropriate Jamie

I stood beside the transponder snail, staring at it while taking glances at Dracule, who was still in the room.

I have a problem here.

I couldn't call just yet, I was anxious as hell but the Warlord was in the room. I don't really care much of him hearing me talk on the phone but my family is pretty...



Especially Jamie, she's crazy. It's because of hanging around with her for 15 years that I've become so 'bad mouthed'. It's a bad habit but I'm trying to change, okay!

It's going to be really weird to have Dracule hearing all the crap she's going to say.

I guess it's okay to just be blunt. "Are you going to stay?" I asked, regretting a split second after for speaking. Crap, I should have phrased it better, I sounded really rude or stupid.

Dracule was still sitting on his bed in front of me, skimming the pages of his book. Without pulling his head up, he shot back, "This is my room."



I tried to warn him but whatever.

"Alrighty..." I sheepishly spoke, putting my focus back on the snail then picked up the head. "My family can sometimes be inappropriate so don't mind them." I warned.

Dracule ignored my warning and continued on with his actions, paying no attention to me at all. I turned my attention to the Transponder Snail. It was a huge snail, meaning it had long distance. That's perfect... I think. I don't really know how far Hanna is from here but it's in the Grand Line.

I dialed the number of the shop. Megan or Jamie would be the ones to pick up but since it's late, it should be Jamie.

The snail was beeping, making me incredibly impatient.


"Clacha!" The snail spoke, indicating that they have answered. I held my breath, I was so excited that I couldn't even speak.

"Ello?" A young woman's voice greeted, sounding very high and squeaky. Her tone was a little sassy, and instead of just saying hello, she puts a slang into it. I knew for a fact it was Jamie.

"Hey." I wasn't speaking loud like usual. I couldn't believe I was talking to her and hearing her voice. It didn't feel real since it's been so long.

"Who the hell are you?" She hissed, growling like a dog at me.

Well God damn.

I snapped my head back, offended by her rude question and sass. Her voice was so raspy and loud that it felt like she just slapped me. I kinda felt a little embarrassed because Dracule heard too.

"You know Jamie, you won't get a lot of costumers if you speak that way." I lectured, keeping myself classy unlike she did. I wasn't going to show my...'crazy side' when Dracule's around.

"You bitch." I added, smirking as if she could see me.

Damn! I never listen to myself, I said stay classy Lucy!

I didn't hear Jamie reply, it was a few seconds of silence before I heard her abnormal low voice speak. "Um... Your voice?" She paused for a second then continued. "Do I know you? Because sure as hell no one calls me a bitch, you skanky whore!"

Her voice returned to its sassy tint but her comment only made me throw my head back in laughter. "Yes you idiot, I'm Lucy!"

I missed her so much that even her sassy insults don't hurt me. It just makes me feel homesick, thinking back to the days when we were teens and we'd just cuss out random strangers then run away.

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