Chapter 31

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Johnny's Story - Lucy's Stripped Tank Top

We were walking for about ten minutes now, having these little small talks on the way.

Johnny pretty much explained everything to me. Dracule noticed the electricity was having some problems and predicted this would happen. That's why he called Johnny so he can do all the dirty work and fix it.

I was glad that Dracule was being selfish because I really wanted to see Johnny again and the reason why I'm tagging along is because I can fit through this hole that has a wire unplugged.

Lucky right?

I even told him that his brother was so adorable. Johnny rolled his eyes and started complaining about him. I bet he was just jealous that his little brother is getting all the attention. Not only was he cute but he seemed very intellectual which was surprising since he's related to Johnny. I asked him why Charlie came and he said that he was tagging along on his ship until Dracule unexpectedly called. Other than that, he would have never came.

Reasons were pretty understandable; one was because he doesn't want to have any contact with a Warlord and second, Dracule doesn't like random people visiting.

"I must admit that you're a pretty lucky person." Johnny mentioned, destroying the silence.

"How so?"

The now electrician pointed the burning candle to the side of him and he narrows his eyes. He then turned to that direction and pulled me along to walk with him. "It's just that the Warlord seems to treat you differently from everyone else."

"Uh... what's that suppose to mean?" I questioned, curving my brows in confusion. I didn't know what he was hinting but I could tell it's going to be rubbish.

"Like he's 'nicer' to you, if that's even the right word to say."

"Puff!" I bursted out into laughter, pausing my legs as I bent down. I couldn't believe he just said that, he's so stupid!

Dracule... nice... to... ME?

I began to laugh even harder, I felt my side itch this sharp pain again. As if each time I would inhale it would ache this irritating sensation. "Holy crap, you made me laugh so hard my side is hurting me!"

Johnny rolled his eyes and pulled my hand, pushing me as he restarted our walking process. "Come on Lucy. When it comes to you, he scares the crap out of me."

I let go of my jaw, shaking my head but couldn't think of anything to say to him. What could I say? He's being so stupid, there was nothing I could come up with at this point. I was just too surprised.

"See, you're speechless." Johnny implied, smirking cunningly as he looked in front of him.

"Tut! I'm not saying anything because you don't make any sense!" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes at him but he couldn't tell. "Dracule treats me like crap! Just today he left me in a ditch of poisonous spiders!"

"You're alive, aren't you?" Johnny sarcastically asked, not showing a reaction I was expecting.

"Well, I can't think of anything he has done that was 'nice'. And don't say he agreed to train me because I went through hell for him to agree."

Johnny actually took my comment as a challenge, putting his index finger on his chin as he hummed.

This idiot, does he not know how crazy he sounds?

"Hmm..." He kept on his humming, twinkling his fingers on his jaw.

He should just stop trying, there isn't anytime when the Warlord was nice to me for the sake of being nice. And why in the hell is he trying to convince me so badly?

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