Chapter 49

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Second Sign - Home Sick

You know that feeling when you wake up but don't want to open your eyes because you're so relaxed?

That's currently me.

That amazing feeling when there is no responsibilities to do and you can sleep in to whatever time you want.

That's currently me!

I paused training for one purpose only but now I forgot about it and I'm just enjoying being free from training. I miss not doing anything. Last night I did stay up pretty late in the library because I wanted to find some books that could explain my situation. Possibly help me understand what's happening and what to expect so I can stop overreacting. I did find some and after reading them, I felt relieved because I was fine. I was overreacting and I feel so much better than I did before.

Might as well enjoy the rest of week and then go back to training, no harm in that.

I creaked my eyes open and obviously didn't have lights blinding me since the island was always dark. I just feel a little cold since I just wore a silky white night gown I found in the room somewhere. It was light and long so I wore nothing under it except my bra and panties because.... WHY WOULDN'T I?!

Why am I explaining what I'm wearing?!


I honestly didn't even want to get up because I was too comfortable.

Don't act like you don't do that too.

I felt my stomach rumble, growling to get my attention. It was a hot and bubbly sensation that ached. I yawned carelessly and decided to head for the kitchen to feed myself. I still haven't gotten my appetite back but my stomach was actually hurting so I had to eat. I lifted my body up and that's when I felt the world turn upside down.

My throat was invaded by an acid feeling liquid that had me feeling noxious and dizzy. My head began to ache while my stomach tied into endless knots. I couldn't even breathe, I just wanted to-

My mouth was forced open as I jerked my head when I felt a gagging reflex kick in my body. Nothing came out of my throat but I knew it was building up and if I didn't find a bucket soon, my bed would be my canvas.

I closed my jaw hard while I covered my mouth with both of my hands, jumping out of the bed as I dashed to the restroom. I didn't bother to change nor think of anything else for that matter. My mind went haywire and all I could do was focus on not throwing up everywhere.

~Dracule's POV~

I still couldn't help but yawn as I walked towards the lavatory. I hated waking up so early but I've been so used to it that I couldn't help but wake up around 7am. This was supposed to be a week break for me, not at all having to worry about training that girl. Nonetheless, I'm still waking up early whether I liked it or not.

I carried with me a towel, preparing for a nice cold shower to wake me up. Everything seemed intact this morning until I began to hear a storm of footsteps tapping my way. I carelessly looked behind me, wondering what it was and I found the Blonde girl racing her way through the hall, pressing against her mouth with her hand.

I didn't even notice how fast she was running until she bolded pass me like lightening and rushed inside the restroom.

Quite a few question emerged in my head about her actions and state of mind.

"Actually, I was going-"


The lavatory door slammed shut before I could finish my sentence, leaving my jaw hanging. I stood utterly confused, blinking my eyes excessively at the closed door. Was she nuts? How dare she? Does she have any manners whatsoever?

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