Chapter 52

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He Knows - Calm Down

My teeth clattered at a high rate, glaring at my hand rubbing my stomach. I couldn't help but squint and shut my eyes as I clutched to the sweater in anger, hating this reality.



I can't even admit it to myself because the word just sends me panicking. I was just left quiet in my own head, aching in excruciating thoughts and reminders. My head was still pointed away from the Warlord's sight while I looked down to the ground.

I bursted my eyes open and quickly rushed my hand away from my stomach. I felt petrified when I realized the long silence between the Warlord and I ever since I began to rub my stomach. He hasn't said a word and I didn't notice him even move an inch.

Did he figure it out.

What the hell is wrong with me?! I knew I didn't want him to know and I didn't want to answer his question but still, I unconsciously gave him an answer with an action.

My heart began to crack and deteriorate when the thought of him knowing crossed my mind.

He knows...

I shook fearful as I scrolled my eyes up his body. I stopped sobbing, and focused on him, freezing up when I met his face.

I couldn't stop staring right at his eyes, watching his shocked reaction. I couldn't believe what I was seeing nor did I want to believe what was happening.

The Warlord's usual narrow eyes were enlarged greatly and were targeted at me. His mouth was open and he didn't move or say anything. He simply stared at me in shock.

Unexpectedly, the Warlord's cheeks flushed in a bright red color, sending my heart to skip a beat. The Warlord blushed awkwardly, being the first time I ever saw him like that.

He's blushing?

Dracule blinked a few times before shutting his jaw, pressing his lips together, and swallowed. His eyes slowly drifted away from me before he cleared his throat and covered his mouth with his hand. He stayed like that for a few seconds, looking nowhere while his hand parked on the bottom half of his face until he whipped his hand away and shot his eyes back at me.

I flinched dramatically and I began to feel my body overheat again. His unusual behavior proves he has now figured it out. I didn't know if I should be scared or not overreact. I felt the tears begin to form around my eyes again but my mouth was closed shut.

What do I do?

What do I do?

What do I do?

I kept repeating 'what do I do' in my head but nothing was figured out.
Suddenly the Warlord's stare turned into an insidious glare that made me quiver when I stood. My stomach turned while my jaw began to shiver.
Why is he staring at me like that?

I've never been so terrified in my life. I've never shook so badly and my heart raced so hard that I couldn't hear anything.

~Dracule's POV~

My body seemed to be overheating from the amount of emotion building up inside of me. I couldn't describe how I felt at this point. I didn't know what to feel but I knew I was angry at her. I hated feeling so confused and not sure, seeing how I knew everything about her without her telling me. This time, I felt lied to like a child and I couldn't control my blood thirst.

"You're...?" I couldn't even finish my question because what I thought was so absurd. I shouldn't come to any conclusions.

The girl seemed to get noticeably nervous when I spoke, staring at me while shaking her head. She didn't say anything but decided to take a slow, careful step back which I didn't like. What was she trying to do? Is she trying to keep quiet or something?

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