Chapter 23

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Lucy Fights With Her New Katana - Lucy vs Mihawk Part 2

There was a grin glued on my face ever since I woke up, I'm in a very good mood. There was two main reasons why I was so energetic this morning.

First thing, this time I actually had clothes to bundle into, plus Dracule's cape, so I was warm. Thanks to Johnny, I now have proper clothes to wear to keep me warm in the morning when Dracule and I are training.

Second was, I had a new beautiful katana and now I could actually start normal training with Dracule! I'm very excited but terrified at the same time.

Johnny sadly left last night, he only stayed for a little bit then set sail. He said he wanted to go home back to his friends but I just told him he was just being really thirsty. It was fun to keep on teasing him about his girlfriend and I told him to give her my regards for picking out beautiful clothing.

I really need to pay them back...

I was wearing black jeans and a light brown sweater, topped with Dracule's thick cape he so graciously gave me. I was literally skipping as I went to the kitchen and made some traditional Hanna tea.

Whenever I wake up it's usually really early in the morning and Dracule would still be asleep, so I never run into him until we go outside to train.

I wonder how it's going to be like to train when I have a katana. I've never been trained before and so far he's just been playing around.

That whole 'dodging practice' kinda made me more paranoid and after a few days I stopped running and resisted his attacks with ease. He was probably going easy on me with those attacks but still, I avoided to get cut so be proud of me!

After a few minutes, surprisingly Dracule arrived at the kitchen an hour before his usual schedule. I was patiently sitting on the chair beside the counter that was in the middle of the kitchen. Dracule was sitting across from me, drinking tea and reading a newspaper.


I was awkwardly waiting, my hands were folded on the counter and my head was looking down to my thumbs playing with each other.

I swear he's the most slowest reader/drinker ever. I mean this dude takes around 30 minutes to finish his tea and plus he's taking breaks to read the newspaper, so double that to an hour.

Who takes an hour to drink tea and read a newspaper?


I was to tired that I rested my head on the counter, I had no source of entertainment and I began to feel sleepy. My cheek was smooched onto the cold surface while my fingers played with a strand of my blonde hair. My hair was all the same length, I didn't have any bangs or any layers at all. It was just straight and long, ending below my back.

At these types of moments, I just start daydreaming about the most random things. First, I was thinking about using my devil fruit power to kill Dracule for being a slow ass bastard then I pinched myself for being such a psycho!


Second I was thinking about adopting those baboons to be my pet but then remembered Devious and rejected the thought.

I then started to think about the most weirdest shit that I don't even feel comfortable sharing with you. I got that weird.


I think I fell asleep a few times, always checking to see if Dracule finished then sighing when I figured he was still taking his sweet time, putting my head back on the counter.

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