Chapter 37

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Barely Conscious Lucy - Confessing Her Emotions

My eyelids quivered in the process of opening, only seeing a blur white light and my black eyelashes. Thankfully, after exercising them for a few seconds, they opened up successfully. They fell back down every five seconds but after a while, my sight began to clear up and I began to understand my surroundings.

I laid on my side on a large white bed, staring at my hand that sat next to my face. I don't remember how I got here or what 'here' was. I drooped my eyes off of my hands and found the familiar room I stayed in.

It's my room.


That's cool.

I guess.

For some reason, I feel blank. Like I was too tired to even feel emotions or have an opinion.

"You're awake?" I heard a deep voice echo, sounding like the source was close to me. I pulled my eyes up to the side of me and found someone walking towards the bed I laid on. I just noticed how tall he was and how his body was so muscular and large. My eyes scrolled up to his face and I felt my dry mouth crack a whole.

I recognized him, his bright curved golden eyes and iconic shaped facial hair. How could I ever forget? It's the Warlord.

"Mhm." I answered the best way I could, still my mouth dry and my throat sore.

The Warlord stepped in front of me, holding a brown fabric in his hands. I think he noticed me staring at it since he then decided to explain.

"I brought something for you to wear." His soothing tone brushed gently to my ears. I didn't know why I felt so fascinated by his presence, like he made me feel safe and secure. To add to that, I think my blank clueless state began to rub off and I remembered what happened.

I remember yesterday I collapsed in pain in the kitchen. Laying down for countless times as I bled and felt my body being stabbed with a sharp knife over and over again.

I remember the smoke from the tea pot inflaming into a fire that almost consumed the whole kitchen. Being in a state where I couldn't move or even yell loud enough for someone to help me as the flames became larger and larger.

Then I remember Dracule pulling me out of a mountain of fire. He extinguished the flames on me then told me why I was bleeding so greatly. That time when I fell in that ditch, I was actually bitten.

I remember begging him to help me, crying and screaming because I was in so much unbearable pain.

Then blank.

I don't remember anything after that.

Well I'm alive so that's great news. Dracule Mihawk ended up saving my life and supposedly treated me which was even 'better news'? I didn't know how to feel about it because I felt so drunk and loopy, like I was bored

"Okay." I agreed, wanting to sit up straight but I didn't expect it to be difficult. I tried to lift myself up but I was so weak that I couldn't even push my hand hard enough to dent the fluffy bed.

Unexpectedly, I felt a soft hand land on mine to stop my actions. It wasn't a painful slam, just a gentle tap to get my attention. "Don't strain yourself, you're still healing." Dracule addressed, making me speechless when his skin touched mine.

Awe fuck.

Even though I'm sick, I still feel this chill whenever he touches me. He's acting so nice and it gets me so confused.

"Oh, okay." I said in a low, careless, and blank tone.

Dracule looked emotionless, bored almost. He simply grabbed my shoulder delicately as he carefully rose my torso up. I see what he meant by not straining myself. I was so weak that I could barely keep my head up straight.

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