Chapter 41

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Arabic Lessons - He Says to Kiss Him

After finding out that such an amazing place exists just a few halls away from me, I never visited any other room but the library. This was great since I've been getting super awkward and weird with Dracule around but it's like whenever we're just reading I forget everything and calm down.

My objective today was just to gather me a few books and take them to my room since it's backbreaking walking back and fourth.

Currently, I stood at the skyscraper bookshelf that contains a curious source of books that I was interested in. It was specially written in a different language so the nerd in me began to fangirl. I added a few books on the stack that I was already holding, making me tilt to the side and realized it was enough.

"Blonde girl."

I gasped and flinched at the sudden cool tone filling the enormous room as it echoed down my eardrums. This caused a reaction of foolishness as I let loose of my grip and threw the five books I held to the ground.

I slammed my hand on my chest to feel my heart beat and sighed when I thankfully found it. Now realizing the source of the noise, I shot my head to meet the tall Warlord as he stared back, bored.

"You scared the living shit out of me." I accused, rolling my eyes in his disregard of having manners. I was so fed up with being startled by his sudden appearance that I couldn't get angry enough to complain about it. I bent down to collect my books that were dropped perfectly underneath me so it wasn't a difficult process.

Suddenly, I found Dracule in front of me helping me pick a fallen book off the ground.


I can't believe he's helping me.

I watched him raise his back back up and met eyes with him. "I thought startling you was a thing in the past."

I sheepishly grinned and felt my cheeks heat up, flattered and delighted he was being kind enough go help me.

"This is an interesting novel you got there." Dracule said, hinting a point I wasn't getting.

Now let's wait a few minutes so I can break down what his comment meant.


"Why's that?" I picked myself up after I gathered the last book and met with the Warlord. I found him deeply staring at this particular book in his hand that I desperately wanted to read.

Dracule scrolls his eyes to my face and down to the book he held. "You're fluent?"

I followed his gaze and found the book he was holding was an arabic book, which now made his question understandable. I don't like to usually say that I'm fluent in the languages that I'm studying but he asked me once before and heard me speak it.

I nodded, "Yeah."

I was starting to feel my body heat up when I realized how close he was to me. It angered me so much that he has this affect on me. Why could someone like Dracule, a heartless Warlord, make me feel like a hopeless teenager again? I've been trying to keep my distance from him lately because after he grabbed my ass and found out that I thought he 'grabbed grabbed' my ass in a nasty way, I just decided not to embarrass myself anymore before I commit suicide.

I made sure not to make eye contact when we encountered, I should have ran away by now but he still has the book I wanted in his hand.

"That convenient." Dracule pulled his arm out and handed me the book, cooling my heart in relief.

But still, even though I just wanted to run out before continuing this conversation, I had to ask why.

"How's that?"

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