Chapter 36

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His Point of View Once Again - Smelling the Burnt Tea Pot

~Dracule Mihawk's POV~

I paused and set down the novel that I was analyzing, narrowing my eyes as I wondered why I felt like I was waiting for something.

What was I expecting?


I guess it must be unimportant if it slipped my mind so easily. Whatever it is, I'll find out sooner or later. Rising the book back to my face, I scanned to where I left off and continued the chapter.

Not even a second after I read a word off the book, something invaded my senses. As I inhaled, a faint scent hinted inside my nostrils. Even though it wasn't very strong, I engulfed the strange scent completely and recognized what could be the source. It was a thick scent of melted plastic and scorched metal, bitter to my nostrils.

Was what I just smelt smoke?

Just now, a memory that was lost to me revealed itself. From thinking of the possibilities of what might be this smoke scent, I remembered telling the girl to bring me a cup of tea.

Did this imbecile forget? I wouldn't be surprised if she caught something on fire.


I do think she'd be that reckless, as in forgetting about the burning pot and leaving it to burn. These theories I'm thinking over in my head were actually realistic. I must admit that I became a little anxious, wanting to make sure she doesn't burn the castle down. I believe she is that clueless and if I'm correct, I won't let this go.

I sighed, placing the desperately fascinating novel on the table as I rose from my chair. Each step I made brung the pungent smell closer, almost causing me to choke. I'm starting to get the feeling she burnt down a complete room.

I followed the stinging scent, already knowing it would lead me into the kitchen.

I was curious on what was burning but I really wanted to find that girl. I'd make sure to punish her greatly if that stupid character damaged my property.

As I made a sharp turn, heading to the hall that had contained the kitchen, I quickly noticed the ashy smoke coming out of the cracks of the door frame. I was correct, she did manage to burn something.

That girl... causing me so much trouble, I wonder why I still have her living here.

I rushed to the kitchen door, placing my hand on the knob and felt that it was beginning to feel warm. That's when the thought of this situation actually could be a big deal consumed me, making it hard for me to open the door.

I took a deep breath and swung the door open in curiosity, only to have thick white smoke slam onto me. The whole room was covered in ashy smoke, the scent was so great that I would even taste the burnt plastic and wood in my mouth. The room was foggy but it didn't hide the huge flame erupting off the oven and leading to the cabinets. I didn't expect at all for it to be this bad. Where the hell is that blonde girl?

I needed to take care of this before it goes out of hand. I took a step deeper, narrowing my eyes and coughing when the burnt ash invaded my lungs. As I was taking a step, I felt my boot splat on a liquid. Intriguing enough, I looked down guessing it'd be water but I found a puddle of a deep red, gooey textured liquid.

What was that?

I suddenly began to smell an iron sour smell mix with the burnt plastic scent, causing me to feel disgusted. I noticed the puddle having a trail, following it, my eyes scanned the area while I took a few steps. The trail made a turn to around the counter and as I walked to follow it, the pressure of the flames began to touch me.

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