Chapter 8

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Day One - Embarrassing Moments

I can't believe it.

I squint my eyes and smiled a ridiculously huge grin.

He wants to be my swordsman teacher.

I bit my lip and opened my eyes. I'm finally going to have a teacher and he's a Warlord. The greatest swordsman alive, Dracule Mihawk. I'm still kinda confused onto why but it doesn't matter because after I pass this stupid test, I'm going to be a student.

I exhaled and stopped walking. "I can't believe this is happening." I told myself, grabbing the ripped ends of my dress. "I'm so happy!"

I then ran to the room I was in before, now memorizing the way from the dining room to what now is my room.

I opened the door, walking in to look for the supplies he was referring to. I guess the people that used to live here must have had endless supply of clothing. This room especially looked like it belonged to a princess; the huge vanity that stayed near the widow and white cabinets that had vintage detailing.

I dived in, opening every drawler and picking the clothing I saw fit.

Damn, the girl who used to live here was some type of midevil queen because I only found gowns and corsets. I guess I'll have to wear this casual looking gown that was wine red and had tight sleeves that went to my wrists and fell to the ground.

This has to do.

I then walked over to what seemed to be a closet. When I opened it, I fell in heaven.


Like the amount of shoes that were in the closet would be enough to wear one pair a day for a year.

Sadly they were mostly heels, scary and uncomfortable ones, but there was some normal flats, thank goodness.

You might be thinking that I would prefer heels but I actually don't. The only reason I wore the ones I had on was because I went out with friends, but other than that, I wear normal shoes.

"Okay, Devious, close the door. It's time to change."


So I got it all figured out.

There is probably 60 rooms that need to be clean but what Dracule forgot was that they were already clean but just super dusty and full of insects.


That's horrible for me.

I should start with 30 today and 30 tomorrow. That doesn't seem too bad. I have all day to do it....

The first room I stepped into is what seemed to be a living room. It had the most beautiful furniture but it was full of dust and it was absolutely disgusting. The ceiling was full of spider webs. It felt like this was halloween decoration that went wrong.

I walked deeper in, Devious was on my shoulder this time and we were both ducking our heads as I wandered around, looking at stuff...I know I'm being kind of noisy but who cares. Suddenly, Devious jumped off my shoulder then-

"ZZZZZ!" A static noise began to fill the room, I jumped and turned around to notice a record player.

"Zum, Zum Zum, Zum." It began to play a strangely familiar tune.

I saw Devious literally shaking from fright so I quickly pick her up, hugging her close to my stomach.

"Haha, don't worry hun. It's only music." I said to her while listening to it play.

Living With A Hawk (One Piece FanFic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें