Chapter 34

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The Place where Lucy Landed - Red Lipstick

When Johnny woke up he kept asking what happened after he passed out and I explained... that nothing happened. I just kept the mood light hearted and wanted to forget that horrible day.

Before the brothers left, I had Charlie begging on his knees for my forgiveness which was kinda embarrassing. I just laughed it off and told him to ease his nerves, I won't hold a grudge.


You want to know what I've notice?

It doesn't get that cold in this island anymore. I don't have to layer my clothing to stay warm during training at all. Just now, I'm wearing a shirt and some pants and I'm completely fine-



I dived to the ground, having my hands wrapped around my head as I landed roughly on the dirty soil. I was glad that I could taste the nasty small rocks that landed in my mouth because that means I'm still alive.


That was close.

That bastard!

He could have warned me!

Training has gotten much more difficult than how it was before. I almost die each time I step out from the freaking castle.

"Taking a long time to recover isn't a good idea." Dracule's deep voice made me raise my head up while I looked for him. I found him standing a few feet away, looking down at me, holding his Black Blade.

Crap crap!

I quickly tried my best to stand up but I pulled myself up so violently that I felt like my sides have been ripped to pieces. I let out a quick yelp from my lips and rested my hand on the side where the pain ached.

It actually really hurt...

How in the hell could it hurt so bad all because I didn't stand up correctly. In the beginning, it was a horrible pain but now it was just aching. I held my breath for a second as I squint my eyes, rubbing my fingers on my waist.

Shit! Did I pull a muscle or something?

"What's wrong?" Dracule unexpectedly asked but I was in too much pain to over think his actions.

"Uhh, my side hurts..." I groaned, biting my lip as I felt my side throb a sharp pain.

"That's unfortunate." Dracule commented. "I suppose we're done for today."



Why in the hell is he being so nice to me all of a sudden? Doesn't he hate it when I complain? I looked up to meet his face and tried my best to smile, relieved he was being so understanding.


For sure I've been wanting to kick myself hard for days now. Actually I really want to kick Johnny because it's all his fault I've been feeling this way.

I took a glance at Dracule's back as we were walking back to the castle. I knew this trip will take a while because we ended up at some random part of the island that I've never seen before. My side wasn't hurting me anymore, I think I just pulled a muscle. But I still was limping a little while I was walking since I was afraid of feeling that sharp pain again.

I looked back down to my feet, sighing slightly so Dracule won't hear. I told myself that I don't see Dracule as a love interest for the millionth time and I feel disgusting for even thinking over this subject. But still, I can't stop thinking about it. I really hate Johnny for filling my head with those stupid thoughts because it's so ridiculous.

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