Chapter 7

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Lucy Wakes Up - Mihawk's Suggestion

I could only hear myself breathe.

This is weird. I feel so drunk. I hate feeling like this, it's like a dream but I want to wake up.

Wake up....

Lucy, wake up!

I bursted my eyes open, listening to my commands, and the first thing I saw was a... ceiling?

Wait, where am I?

I looked around, only moving my eyes, and realized I'm inside a room. It was big. I saw fancy furniture all over but the room was covered in dust. After seeing the stone walls and ceiling, I knew I was in the castle.

Wait, when did I get into the castle?

I tried to think back to what happened and tried to remember. Monkeys.... All I remember were monkeys-


I remember!

Crap, I almost died but then the monkeys- I mean baboons started to faint and fall. That was weird. I wonder what happened...

Then right before I passed out, I noticed someone walk up to me. My eyes widen when I just now realized it was him.

I looked to my shoulder and noticed it was bandaged and clean, my dress and heels were still on and they were stained in blood and dirt... Not that I'm complaining. I'm glad he left me like that-


He saved my life?


He treated my wounds and brought me back to the castle.

... Whaaaaaat?

I was so confused by his actions but strange enough, I was angry. How can you try to kill someone that many times then end up saving them? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy he helped but why? That question was burning in my scalp, why did he save me? I surely wasn't going to wait any longer so I jumped out of bed and left the beautiful, but dusty room. For a few seconds I had no idea where to go but when I saw a door slightly opened, I then realized it was the dining room from before.

I was stumbling a little while I walked and my hand ached but no pain no game, right?

My feet were killing me the most. I guess running around the forest with heels on wasn't such a good idea.

When I opened the door, I was expecting me to slowly push the door open but no, I lost my balance and I slammed the door open.

Automatically, his eye and mine met, like we were both expecting each other.

"You're up." Dracule casually stated. He was wearing a white button up shirt and had a glass of wine with a newspaper parked on his lap. Just like before.

But I spared the unnecessary small talk. I had no time for that! I needed to know. "Why did you save me?" I asked, standing still next to the doorway and this time making eye contact.

The Warlord just carelessly pulled his eyes away from me and back on the newspaper. Let me guess, he's going to take his sweet ass time to answer.

I was right.

"It would be polite to thank me than question me." He finally said something but still wasn't looking at me.

He was actually right. I was being rude to him when he saved my life. I quickly bowed to him, "Thank you." I stayed bowing down for a few more second until he spoke again.

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