Chapter 26

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Two Months Later - This Time He Says Thank You

Sometimes I actually forget that I have short hair now and whenever I lift my hand to play with a long strand of hair, I start to freak out.

I can say that my hair kinda grew, it's now a little below my chin so that's great news. It's not like I hate my sudden new hairstyle, I got used to it and now I actually prefer it.

These past two months were tough, at least when it came to training. But I couldn't believe how much I've improved because now the Humandrills don't even try to assault me.

When it comes to swordsmanship, Dracule is a tough but an amazing teacher. He's even surprised that I learned all his lessons so quickly and accurately.


He wouldn't believe it.

The asshole said there must be some type of cheating going on because he wouldn't believe that I now can defend myself from the baboons with ease and can stand a chance with the Baboon King.

Yes, there is a Baboon King.

When I first saw him, I was freaking out. The king was enormous and he was different from the others. Since Humandrills copy humans, the human that he decided to copy was a certain Warlord that had a Black Blade. But instead of carrying a katana or a normal sword like the rest of his species, he carried a long sleek white blade that resembles Dracule's.

Amazing right?

Well I fought him and didn't die.


Also, I know I'm bragging but my Haki has also improved so much that Dracule actually told me not to use my devil fruit power around him anymore because it sorta gives him a small headache.

I know, I'm surprised too!

Other than that, these past couple of months were relaxing. When we weren't training that is. Dracule was a book nerd like myself so I enjoyed all the novels he had in his room.

Actually, I'm going right now to give him some tea and retrieve a book he wants me to read.

Things have became a little more different. Instead of me leaving a pot boiling for himself to come and pour a glass, I now just bring it to him. I don't know how it started but maybe it's because we sometimes stay in the same room together now. Usually I only see him when I'm training but now it's a whole different story.

Already knowing where the Warlord was, I lightly stepped on the wide stone stairs going down to the lounge. I saw his black hair peek through the top part of the the deep pink colored couch.

When I came closer to the scene, I noticed him leaning back with a book dug in his face.


"If you put that book any closer to your face you might swallow it." I joked, arriving at the lounge. Dracule, of course, took his time to react to my arrival and joke. He lowered his book and found me standing at the other end of the coffee table.

I bent down and placed a hot glass of tea on his end, "Here you go."

Dracule's eyes followed my hands to find the tea I brought him.

"Thank you." The Warlord said, reaching out his hand for the glass and picking it up.

I know for a fact that you must be shocked that he thanked me. Well, if it was the first time then I'd be too but it hasn't. These past two months, he actually learned the words 'thank you'.

But even though I heard it once before, I couldn't help myself from grinning in satisfaction each time he did so.

"You're welcome."

Before I knew it, he already slammed the book in between us and was now in la la land.


I guess I'll just be on my way since there was no reason for me to stay here anymore.

As soon as I took one step, Dracule pulled his hand out to stop me. He swallowed the tea that was inside his mouth and explained.

"Here." He then placed his book on the table in front of him, still opened so he doesn't lose the page he was on. From the side of him, he pulls out a thick book and hands it to me.

I stare at it for a few seconds, clueless about everything. Then it hit me, I came here to also get the book he wanted me to read. "Oh, it's the story that's like 'Travel Beneath the City'!"

I completely forgot that Dracule said he'd give me a book to read that was similar to the book I was obsessed with a few weeks ago.

How could I forget?

He nodded and jerked the book to indicate he wanted me to hurry up and take it. I quickly did so, almost snatching it because I was so excited.

"Thanks." I smiled cheerfully, already beginning to examine the book. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stay up all night to read this.

Dracule already picked up his book that he laid on the coffee table and dived back to the story. I think he was probably at a really good part.

No matter.

I unconsciously rested my knee and sat on the couch behind me, already beginning to read the first chapter. Soon my surrounding were blurred and I was now living through the main character of the story.

Just another typical night.

Dracule is on one couch and I'm on another, both of her head covered by a thick covered book reading for countless hours.


This was a small and sweet chapter, just to give you guys a taste of how it was now after two months. Nothing too dramatic though.



Next chapter is called, Don't Wake Him Up - Finding a Transponder Snail

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