Important Author Note

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Since I made my account on here I have tried my hardest to make sure I do every request I receive, they may take me a while but I always do them.

Starting as soon as I have finished my current requests, I am going to be a tiny bit more selective about what I do. I will decline requests that make me personal uncomfortable (any requests involving characters or relationships that make me uncomfortable), I will not be writing for any fandoms I am not invested in (if I have not seen a sizable chunk of the anime or series), and after the current request I am working on I will not be writing anything for the yandere archetype (I am not a fan of Yanderes and find it difficult to write them). I am not doing this to be mean, the things you guys love are beautiful and valid. However, if I am not invested in the thing I am writing I won't be able to give you the quality content you deserve.

So please, feel free to continue making requests to your hearts content, just understand that I have to say no to some of them.

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