Little Green Monster (Jealous!Keith x Reader)

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[Y/N] couldn't help but laugh at the blue paladin’s failed pick up lines. “God Lance, they’re so bad they're funny.” [Y/N] had been close friends with a blue paladin since early childhood but the Cuban would flirt just to see her smile or hear her laugh. There were no romantic feelings between the two of them. “You are in serious need of some new pick-up lines your’s are stale and extremely outdated.”

“You think you could do any better?” Lance asked extremely skeptical.

“Watch and learn my darling Lancey-Lance.” [Y/N] said as she approached Allura. “If God made anything more beautiful than you, I'm sure he'd have kept it for himself.”

Allura opened and then closed her mouth not sure what to say to the woman in front of her as a light blush graced her cheeks, “Oh... Thank you.”

[Y/N] was not finished though not until Lance have been properly schooled. “Hey Pidge.” [Y/N] said leaning on the counter next to her most recent experiment. “I'm not a hoarder but I want to keep you forever.”

Pidge looked exasperated for a moment before turning bright red. “I'm not a hoarder!” She shouted pushing the laughing pair out of her lab.

“That one didn't go so well for you.” Lance said, laughing at his best friend.

“Are you kidding me did you see Pidge’s face? That was absolutely golden. What I wouldn't have given for a camera.” She said wiping the tears from her eyes

Lance rolled his eyes. “So you got lucky, what about the others?”

[Y/N] rolled her eyes. “Fine I'm more than happy to continue to show you that I am far better with pickup lines than you are. Let me know when you want to beg for mercy.” She didn't notice the set of violet eyes watching the pair with a furrowed brow.


Over the next several hours, the pair had managed to find Shiro and Hunk both of whom were subjected to [Y/N]’s pick up lines. Shiro rolled his eyes and laughed with his ‘Babe, your beauty makes the morning sun look like the dull glimmer of the Moon.’ While Hunk became a blushing stuttering mess with ‘There's something wrong with my cell phone, it doesn't have your number in it.’

Now the set of flirting maniacs were sitting on the couch as [Y/N] let out a sigh. “Keith is never this hard to find.”

“Sooooo…” Lance started as he turned to look at his friend. “When are you going to spill the beans and tell Keith how you feel?”

[Y/N]  gave a sad, self-deprecating laugh, “How about never? Keith isn't the type who likes someone like me Lance. I'm fine with being friendzoned as long as I can be around him.”

Lance frowned he hated when she sold herself short like that. “How about you hit me with one while we wait for Keith to pop up? If you manage to make me laugh I'll take you for a ride in Blue.”

[Y/N] rested her head on his shoulder. “Baby, I might not be sriracha sauce but I will sure spice up your life.”

Lance couldn't help but chuckle. “Is that a play on the fact I'm Cuban?”

[Y/N] laughed a bit. “Sorry it's the first thing I thought of.”

There was a small crash from the doorway and when they looked over they saw Keith standing there. [Y/N] smiled picking her head up off of Lance's shoulder. “Hey Keith! If I had-” [Y/N] fell silent as Keith turned and stalked away. Tears stung her eyes. “I... I don't understand.” She said shakily. “Did I do something wrong?” She asked if she tried to keep herself from crying. Having Keith act like this hurt a lot.

Lance frowned and stood. “Stay here, I'll go talk to him.” He said not sure what the hell was wrong with the loner.


“Keith!” Lance called as he followed after him quickly. “Hey mullet-head! Stop being such a prick.” He said grabbing Keith's arm. “What the hell is your problem dude? Why would you treat-”

“Go back and cuddle with your girlfriend and leave me alone!” Keith shouted cutting Lance off mid-sentence.

“Cuddle with…” Lance couldn't stop himself from punching the red Paladin. “Your jealousy is just ridiculous Keith. [Y/N] as been my best friend since before I ever even came to the Garrison. Neither one of us like each other like that, we're like siblings. For God's sake she likes you!” Lance hadn’t exactly meant to sell out his favorite human being but his frustration with Keith had gotten the best of him.

Keith rubbed his jaw as he stared at Lance first with anger, then confusion, and finally horror. That meant this whole time he'd been avoiding her and being jealous for no good reason. “Oh God…”

Lance nodded. ‘Uh-huh, and as much as I would love to leave you to deal with this on your own, you aren't the only one being affected by this so... I'm going to tell you what you need to do…”


[Y/N] sighed hearing the doors slide open. “He hates me, doesn't he?” She asked, sadness lacing her voice. When she heard no response from her best friend she sat up and looked behind her, paling when she saw Keith instead of Lance.

“If... If I had a penny for every time you were on my mind... I would have exactly $0.01 because you never leave my mind.” Keith said, his eyes on his shoes and his cheeks tinted pink.

For a moment, [Y/N] just stared at him, confused and dumbfounded. But then she began to giggle. Never in a million years had she expected to hear Keith Kogane utter a pick-up line.

Keith flinched at first, thinking this was some kind of rejection or cruel joke from Lance. He clenched his fists.

“I like you too.” She said smiling at him warmly. “Though I have to ask... Why did you leave like that if this is how you actually feel?”

Keith sighed. “I... I was jealous and misread your relationship with Lance. I thought you guys were a thing and I hated it so I thought the best thing to do would be to stay away. Honestly, I wanted to just be happy that you were happy but I couldn't stand the idea of not being the one that made you smile and laugh.” Keith admitted unable to look at her still.

“You know... Gretchen Rubin once said that negative emotions like loneliness, envy, and guilt have an important role to play in a happy life; they're big flashing signs that something needs to change. So, let's start by changing your relationship status.” She said before lightly kissing his cheek.

Keith almost immediately wrapped his arms around her pulling her close to him. “Thank you.” He whispered to her softly.

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