Agoraphobia (Sawamura Daichi x Reader)

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Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives the environment to be unsafe with no easy way to get away. These situations can include open spaces, public transit, shopping malls, or simply being outside the home.

[Y/N] whimpered just before headphones were placed over her ears, playing nature sounds and light meditative music. She blinked away tears as she looked up at the boy next to her, her shoulders relaxing. "Daichi." She whispered. Her wonderful dark haired boyfriend knew all about the anxiety disorder that had plagued her since childhood and kept a close eye on her for days like this so he could help her relax and beat the shadows that always seemed to follow her.

[Y/N] had agoraphobia and it affected her ability to function outside of her home but not when Daichi was around. She felt safe around him no matter where she was, so it made going to school a lot easier. Though... like today she still had her bed days.

"Suga told me you had an attack during your PE class." He said, sitting beside her near the secnd gym as he rubs soothing patterns on her hand. He was immensely grateful that in all of her classes she had either him, Suga, Asahi, or Kyoko to help her. Even if it was just keeping everyone else back and getting her to the nurse's office.

[Y/N] gave a frustrated sigh. "I had been doing so good, I thought I might actually make it an entire week without an attack but... when sensei announced an outdoor run..." She shook her head. "I must look pathetic to you guys." She said, letting the headphones rest on her shoulders.

Daichi kissed her temple lightly and shook his head. "We don't think that at all." He said gently his deep voice helping to further calm her. "We worry about you while you're having an attack and we are relieved when we see that you're okay. They're your friends, they adore you, and they don't think you're pathetic. As for me, I love you more than I love volleyball. If I ever had a negative thought... a negative thing to say about you... I wouldn't be worthy of the breath that is in my lungs."

[Y/N] smiled at his corny but sweet declaration. "Thank you Daichi." She said stealing a gentle kiss before standing. "Alright it's time for you to have practice, I should head home." She said gently.

Daichi grabbed her hand gently. "I would really rather you stay here while I practice and let me walk you home. Please?" He knew that would put her late getting home and he would be even later, but he didn't want her having an attack all alone out there. He wouldn't be of the live with himself.

[Y/N] smiled at him, she really did appreciate him always worrying about her. "Alright, Daichi." She said warmly, entering the gym with him. She was greeted with many hellos and the smell of hardwood floors and sneakers. "Hello everyone! Do well today!" She said cheerfully as she sat beside Kyoko, who gave her a gentle smile before starting on some notes for their practice. It amazed her how safe and comfortable she felt in the gym, surrounded by the loud and unique volleyball team, even with the threat of a volleyball straight to the face.

Suga jogged over to [Y/N] and gave her his signature happy smile. "I'm glad you're all right now. I was worried about you." Suga said gently, he was genuinely relieved. There was a reason he was always referred to as the mom of the group.

"Don't worry to much. You guys are always there to help me! It makes me feel better." She said giving him a bright smile which he returned before jogging off. Inside though [Y/N] could feel worry and anxiety bubbling up and eating away at her. In less than a year, the 3rd years would be graduating and going off to college... meaning they would all likely be separated. How was [Y/N] going to function without her friends to keep her grounded, without Daichi to help her feel safe. After a moment, lost in her own thoughts, the world around her became blurry and muffled. Her eyes wouldn't focus on anything and she couldn't hear sneakers squeaking or balls slapping the ground over the thunderous ringing in her ears.

××××× Daichis POV ×××××

Daichi glanced over at the managers table just to check on [Y/N] only to see a sight that made his blood run cold. Kyoko and Takeda-Sensei were both kneeling beside her, trying to regain her attention but one look at her face told him she was already lost deep inside an attack.

He lefted his teammates and ran over to his girlfriend, leaving Asahi and Suga the keep the others busy. He sat on the floor in front of her and took her hands in his. "Baby, you're having an attack." He said remembering the doctors telling her that the most important thing to do when having an attack is to realize that she was having an attack. He gently covered her eyes to help block out any extra stimuli. "Try to picture your happy place and focus on taking deep breaths. I am going to help you through this. I will uncover your eyes in a second as long as you continue taking your deep breaths and when I do, I want you to tell me 5 things you see." He watched as she took her deep breaths before carefully uncovering her eyes, ready to cover them again if it became too much.

"You, volleyballs, nets, our friends, backpacks." [Y/N] said, barely above a whisper.

Daichi nodded. "Good, now look just at me okay? Just me. Name four things for me that you can touch."

"Hair..." She said running her fingers over his dark brown locks. "Table..." She said touching the table. "Shizumi's hand..." She said only after the raven haired girl offered her hand for [Y/N] to lightly touch. "Chair..." She said as her leg brushed against the cold metal.

"Good." He praised softly. "Name 3 things that you can hear." He said holding her hand and drawing small patterns once again.

"A car. The wind. Whispers." The whispers were coming from Suga settling the team down, which she appreciated.

"Okay, 2 things that you can smell." Daichi said already noting that she was calmer.

"Sweat and lavender." Asahi smiled hearing her answer, his bag was closest to her and he had started caring lavender smelling salts to help her with her anxiety.

"One thing you can taste." He smiled at her.

She paused trying to pick any lingering taste in her mouth. "Lemon." She said as her tongue lightly made contact with her chapstick.

Daichi smiled at her again and nodded. "Good job." He said laying a kiss upon her forehead. "You did it."


After practice, Daichi walked hand-in-hand with [Y/N] while she explain what caused her attack during the practice.

Daichi smiled and shook his head. "That's not something you have to worry about. [College] has a good volleyball team and with us traveling the nationals Suga and I were already accepted. Even Asahi decided to continue with college when he heard that you, Suga, and I were going to be at the same school. So he and Shizumi are waiting for their acceptance letters. We didn't plan on leaving you all alone after high school."

[Y/N] smiled in relief. The world was less scary with Daichi and their friends around.

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