Yo-Ho-Ho and a Bottle of Rum (Killian Jones x Reader)

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So, I had honestly intended to make this have a happy ending but halfway through typing this, my fingers decided they had a better idea. Be warned... Super angsty. I hurt me...

Never before had Killian felt such a strong pull, it was like his very soul was screaming and willing him to move before his mind could comprehend what was happening. With no hesitation, he left Emma's side following the sensation through Storybrooke. He didn't know what was casing it, only that he couldn't ignore it and he had a feeling he didn't want to try.

When he felt the pull would easily rip his soul from his body, he blinked. "The crocodile's shop?" He muttered to himself as he looked at the sign to Mr Gold Pawnbroker and Antique Dealer. His eyes slowly drifted to the front window and his breath caught in his throat. The woman inside the shop was practically glowing with beauty. "[Y/N]." He muttered to himself as he stared, recognizing her immediately. From her [H/C] locks, to her [F/C] dress, everything about her was just the way he remembered.

Mr. Gold smirked spotting the pirate at the door staring at the girl before him like a fish out of water. With a simple jerk of his head, Mr. Gold caused her to turn around and glance behind her in confusion. [E/C] eyes locked instantly with Killian's going wide with excitement as she gripped the skirt of her dress scrambling towards the door, ignoring Rumplestiltskin behind her. "Killian!" She shouted happily as she burst out of the door and threw her arms around his neck tackling him to the pavement and covering his face in kisses.

Killian's face still held that shocked expression as his arms slowly encompassed the woman pulling her flesh against him as he laid back on the hard, cold concrete. "[Y/N], lass, what are you doing here?" He felt breathless and dizzy but now the pull made so much sense.

[Y/N], being known very well for being sarcastic waved off the question. "Oh you know... I just thought that a vacation to this dimension would be really fun. Smog is great for lungs that are used to the salt water air." She said standing and dusting herself off before offering him a hand to help him up.

"You really haven't changed." Killian said with an exasperated sigh as he took her hand and stood. He could feel electricity shoot through his fingertips at the contact.

[Y/N] smirked and nodded. "Come on, Captain... Did you really expect me to just change?" She asked as she moved closer to him, the look in her eyes was forever mischievous even if the rest of her expression screamed innocence. She had truly missed him and had always been madly in love with her captain even when others had warned her she was nothing more than a wench in his eyes and he would move onto the next pretty little thing when he had grown tired of her. She felt like there was more between them than that though, he had told her before that he loved her and she had no doubts in her mind. Especially now that he had found her here in Storybrooke, surely that was a sign... Right?

"Killian?" A voice behind them cut both of them out of their personal thoughts.

Killian looked back at Emma who was watching them looking confused while [Y/N] crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Killian. "Oh..." She said gently quickly covering how much her chest hurt. "I guess it was inevitable wasn't it Captain?" She said giving a false smile. "Enjoy the captain's company. He has been through a lot and needs more love than he cares to let on." She said before hurrying off.

Killian just kind of stood there not sure how to react to all of this, what had just happened?

Emma looked at Killian confused. "Who was she?" Though from the smile the woman had given him, she was sure she knew exactly who she had been.

Killian's eyes trailed to where [Y/N] had been moments ago. "A ghost lass. Nothing more." He was lying of course but how could he betray Emma just because she was back. Yes he loved [Y/N] more than anything but he had been through so much both with and for Emma.

Killian would never know how hard [Y/N] cried that night... Or that a small brunette toddler had held onto her mother confused as to why she wouldn't stop crying... All he would know for sure was that he had consumed the rum he had intended to save for the night he asked [Y/N] to marry him.

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