The Pon Farr Incident (Spock x Reader)

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I received a message a few months ago requesting a Pon Farr one shot with Spock and a female reader for Dreamvault55, they didn't have anything specific and said fluff or Smut... I haven't written anything dirty for a while so I think it is time and this is the first first fictional husband I ever had so I think he deserves it. Like the last one you are welcome to switch to the new Spock but Nemoy is the love of my life so yeah.

[Y/N] should have known Spock would enter Pon Farr during a crisis, he had been acting oddly lately and the normal possessiveness had skyrocketed. That should have warned her but she had been to busy in Engineering so naturally she didn't notice, and that was what led to this, [Y/N] and Spock locked in Engineering alone and the heat rising...

[Y/N] moaned as Spock slammed her back against a cooling tank and attacked her mouth again. She tasted of coffee and adrenaline, still too keyed up from the desperate hours she'd fought to restore power to the Enterprise to be much bothered with finesse. The lights were beginning to blink back on, and the subtle hiss of the emergency life support systems as they came back online was better than a standing ovation at an Engineering conference.

He tangled his fingers in the sweat-soaked fabric of [Y/N]'s dress, as he pulled her head back to his, realigning their lips so their teeth don't connect. [Y/N] moaned into his mouth as she brought her hands up to cradle Spock's head as she pressed into him.

[Y/N] was covered in dust, grease, and sweat but Spock didn't seem to mind in the least. Her dress was torn from shimmying under the reactor vents to get at the paneling and burned from where the containment field had flared out when they'd first started losing power. She would be sore tomorrow, she knew. Likely, she would fall victim to one of Dr. McCoy's legendary diatribes on the "damn fool recklessness" of herself, her commanding officer, her department, her captain, Starfleet, the Federation and whatever else he can think of while he treats the minor damages. It could take hours.

Those were all trifles, though, next to the flush of victory and the feeling of Spock's hard on pressed against her. Spock easily slide his hands down to grab a double handful of [Y/N]'s ass and hauled her in closer.

[Y/N] teared her lips away, panting. "So," she said making her voice stay stable, "protocol dictates that the Engine room gets locked down in the event of a system failure." Her grin was a wide and foolish thing, but Spock felt his grip on reality failing seeing it nonetheless. He may even have its answer spreading across his own face.

"Indeed," Spock easily agreed. "We're stuck down here for another hour or so. Until the computer finishes its analysis. Whatever shall we do with ourselves?" Spock locked her as he squeezed [Y/N]'s ass tighter, guiding his hips in slow circles to optimize the friction.

[Y/N] started to grind against him again, pressing herself to his erection. "I think I still have a deck of cards in the tool room," She teased. "We could play some poker, pass the time."

Spock smirked, allowing his human side to show for her and huffed a laugh before leaning in to whisper in her ear breathy, "You still owe me from the last time we played."

[Y/N] shivered as Spock's teeth worked at her neck, sending all manner of distracting sensations coursing through her body. "You cheated."

She could feel Spock smile against her skin at the accusation. "Vulcans do not cheat." Spock followed that line with a series of soft kisses up [Y/N]'s jaw, hips still rolling, rocking them together.

It was getting a mite difficult to concentrate, as though she had dipped too heavily into Scotty's stores, only instead of good scotch, she's drunk on Spock, and he was drunk on her. It wasn't a bad state of affairs to be honest.

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