Freak Like Me (Satori Tendo x Reader)

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This is part one of a two part lemon for Satori Tendō, requested by Janice5791on Archive of our Own.

"God, what a weirdo." The nearby girls sneered as they watched the [H/C] girl a few desks over cringe and stare at her pencil wishing she was anywhere else.

Really she guessed that she should count herself lucky. They never put their hands on her, they never shoved her, hit her, or knocked her things around but some days... She thought that the physical pain would be a pleasant change from the looks and the words.

With an intense sadness in her eyes the second year dropped her head staring at her desk rather intently. She didn't have many friends and no one stood up for her when it came to the cold geers but that was going to change.


"Hey freak, how come you always eat alone? Do you not have any friends?" Someone called out as [F/N] walked passed her, lunch in hand.

[F/N] flinched a bit as she held onto her tray tighter not noticing the pair of boys walking by at the same time. Nor did she notice the way the redhead looked at her with complete understanding in his eyes.

"Miracle boy Wakatoshi-kun." The red-head whined, looking up at the stoic male next to him. Satori Tendō was not the kind of male that had very much confidence in himself. Especially off of the volleyball court. But he wanted to help the girl.... She was a lot like him.

Ushijima merely nodded and looked at the girl. "[L/N]-san." The great Ace said causing her to jump out of her skin.

"S-sorry Ushijima-sama!" She said bowing assuming she had been in the third-year's way without realizing it. The girls that had been mocking her just snickered as they continued to watch hoping for a good show.

Tendou watched her desperately before looking at his close friend. He had to help her.

"Come eat with us." Ushijima said before turning and heading to a nearby table, leaving [F/N] and Tendō standing in the middle of the cafeteria.

[E/C] orbs stared up into the wide blood red eyes in front of her before she quickly averted her gaze to her feet. "Is that alright with you Satori-Kun?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she refused to look up at him.

Tendō felt his heart skip a beat when she asked him specifically. The fact that she had spoken to him was nothing short of a miracle, even if she was refusing to look at him. "Yeah." He said trying his hardest to sound calm.

People around them weren't sure if they should laugh or stare at them in shock. Their great ace had invited her of all people to eat with him. And even more importantly was the fact that he wasn't the type of person who would waste time on petty jokes, meaning it had been a genuine invite.

Tendō was mentally praising Wakatoshi as he walked side-by-side to the table with [F/N.

[F/N] glanced around as though she was expecting pig's blood or a slurpy bath, but neither one ever came. Slowly and cautiously she sat down and glanced between the two males. "So..."

Wakatoshi didn't even look up as he ate. "Okay, Tendō, I got her over here... Now it is time for you to go ahead and confess." He sounded bored but in all honesty, the redhead was his friend and he just wanted to see him happy in the long run.

"What?!?!" Tendō asked, flushing as he spit his drink all over the table, his face now matching his hair. That wasn't exactly how he had imagined this happening, if it had even even happened to begin with.

[F/N] hid her own blush behind her hair as she stared at the table. This had to be some kind of joke... Right? There was no way he could ever like her... Could he? She furrowed her eyebrows deep in her own thoughts.

"[L/N]-chan? Hey [L/N]?!? Are you okay?" Tendō asked as he reached out, gently touching her hand as though he would break her from just the slightest miscalculation.

[F/N] jumped a bit and pulled away. "G-gomen Satori-kun." She said as she scrambled to her feet. She gave a rushed bow before leaving the cafeteria as the laughs erupted around them from the people who had been watching.

She had admired the odd ball since she had first met him but never once had she ever imagined that he could have ever had feelings for her as well.

Tendou sat there completely dumbfounded. After all of that, after finally getting her near him where no one would say anything rude to her... He still hadn't been able to tell her the three simple words that had caused him so many sleepless nights.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" The monotone voice of his closest friend cut through the thick air like a knife through warm butter.

Tendō didn't even manage to respond before he ran out after her. He couldn't let her get away. Not this time, not when he had been so close and finally thought that he had the courage to say something. "[L/N]-chan?"
When Tendō finally managed to find her, she was hidden in a corner near the gym tears of confusion running down her cheeks as she hid her face against her knees.

"[L/N]-chan?" He called softly as he approached her, frowning when he saw her body stiffen up, he couldn't just leave her there though. "Come on. We can go to the gym and you won't have to worry about anyone else seeing you or bothering you." He said holding his hand out to her. He wasn't sure where the confidence to be able to talk to her alone had come from but he was grateful for it.

Slowly the tear stained face of the girl Tendō loved looked up at him and she nodded carefully taking his hand. She didn't know why she was going with him to the gym, she wasn't entirely sure she could trust herself to not say or do something stupid but she was taking a chance.

-To Be Continued-

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