Swimmer Boi (Rin Matsuoka x Reader)

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Yay! Song Fic! I am terrified about how this turned out, kill me now. XP This is my first time writing a oneshot that is a song fic. Please don't judge me too hard. XD Also [R/N] is a random name.

He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious

Rin Matsuoka stood there staring at the woman in front of him, his face refusing to betray any of the emotions he was feeling inside. He had been in a relationship for months.

He was a punk
She did ballet
What more can I say

She was gorgeous and talented, and had legs for days. But he wasn't like her, she was prim and proper, born with a silver spoon in her mouth... Rin was not like that, he was firey with an attitude that would not quit. But she seemed to tolerate him anyway and that made him happy.

He wanted her
She'd never tell secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends
Stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes

"What does it matter when they think [R/N]? I thought you were happy, I thought this was working." He was careful not to let her see or hear how broken up over this he was. Why was she leaving him? Why was he suddenly not good enough for her?

Five years from now
She sits at home
Feeding the baby she's all alone
She turns on t.v

Rin smiled brightly as he threw his fist up in the air. Cheers erupted from the stands all around him. They had done it, they had won the gold medal for their relay. The other boys pulled him into a group hug as they cheered together. "We did it! We won!"

And they've all got
Tickets to see his show
She tags along
Stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down

"M-matsuoka?" The girl tried to call to him as he walked past her with his team. Maybe if she could just talk to him she could win him over again. He had loved her 5 years ago, surely he still loved her...

Sorry girl but you missed out
Well tough luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends

"Rin!" A happy voice called as flash of [H/C] flew past the girl and nearly tackled the swimmer. "That was amazing, you looked absolutely perfect out there!" The little ball of energy said peppering his face with kisses. "I told you that you guys could do it! I knew it!"

The other guys laughed as they messed up the girl's hair before waving at Rin. "We will meet up with you at the restaurant tonight. Try not to be late." Makoto called as they walked off chatting with each other.

Rin waved them off and looked down into the [E/C] eyes that watched him so expectantly. A light pink dusting graced his cheeks causing the girl to giggle. "What?" He snapped a bit in embarrassment causing [R/N] to feel a clenching in her chest. He never blushed around her and he certainly did not show that much emotion.

The girl just smiled when he snapped at her and stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek causing the blush to turn darker. "Nothing Matsu-chan." She said teasingly as she watched him blush at her actions.

Too bad that you couldn't see,
See the man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside

"Matsuoka-san." The woman said approaching the couple.

Rin felt himself reach out and grab [f/n]'s hand out of instinct before glancing at [R/N], his eyes narrowing as he realized who she was and his grip tightened on [F/N]'s hand causing her to lightly run her thumb over his hand to help calm him. "If you don't mind, I am tired and I would like to get my fiance home so she can rest." He was careful to sound bored instead of angry to keep from upsetting the girl at his side.

"Your..." [R/N] cursed her luck as she looked at the [H/C]-headed woman at Rin's side. She looked as shocked as most of the nearby patreons.

"R-rin." She said softly. He hadn't told anyone they were engaged yet, he had been concerned about the press. She relaxed though when he flashed her a smile and couldn't help but smile back at him and nodded. "Let's go home then." She said brightly.

I'm with the skater boy
I said see you later boy
I'll be backstage after the show
I'll be at the studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know

Rin sat on the bed his back to [F/N] so she wouldn't see the heartbroken and confused look on his face.

She just smiled lightly and sat behind him lightly running her fingers through his hair, lightly massaging every now and then to help calm him down. They had talked about their pasts before so she knew who that woman was and the toll it would be taking on him. "It's going to be okay Rin-kun... I am going to be right here with you."

"Why now?" He asked his voice shaking a bit. "Why did she have to show up now."

[Y/N] just shook her head and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her head comfortingly into the crook of his neck. "I don't know Rin, I really don't know."

Rin lightly grabbed her arm and gave it a squeeze as he rested his head on hers. "You must think I am lame..."

[Y/N] felt her heart break and her blood boil at the same time. No one should have this effect on her fiance. She released him to move in front of him now and made him look at her. "Rin Matsuoka, you listen to me and you listen good..." She said firmly. "You are not lame! You were in a relationship, you felt very strongly for her, she hurt you. Of course you still feel pain. I am here with you now and I am going to help you through this. I love you very very much and nothing anyone says or does will change that." She said staring into his eyes with finality.

Rin gave a gentle smile and toyed with the ring adorning her left hand. "Do you know how much I love you?" He whispered resting his forehead against hers.

"As much as I love you, I am sure." She responding her eyes sparkling.

"Maybe even more." He said letting his lips meet her's as he pulled her closer.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bonus ending~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rin sighed as he reached over grabbing his phone, [Y/N] stirring a bit at his side from the noise. "If you guys wake up [F/N] you are dead." He growled.

"Wake her up Rin, did you forget about the restaurant?" Nagisa asked his speech a bit slurred clearly from drinking a lot to celebrate.

"Damn... the restaurant." He muttered before hanging up. He glanced at the peacefully sleeping woman and turned his phone off. They could wait until next time.

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