Cute Like an Owl: Soulmate AU (Bokuto Kotaro x Reader)

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Imagine: A world where the first thing your soulmate says to you is tattooed on your body at birth.

Soulmates were something that everyone acknowledge was true, since everyone seemed to get those annoying tattoos at birth that let you know the first words your soulmate would say to you first. [Y/N] knew people who had cheesy one liners or incredibly sweet phrases painted on their skin... Not [Y/N] though. She couldn't be that lucky... Nope, her phrase was ridiculously simple...

"I am just saying!" [Y/N] yelled. "What kind of idiot goes around saying something so plain to someone that could be their soulmate? Do they even realize that I don't cursed to have this stuck on me forever." She asked as she through herself to the ground in exasperation. On her left arm in bold black letters are three words... Hey, hey, hey. She sighed running her fingers over the letters trying to wipe it away. "He has to be an idiot." She muttered laying on the grass at Fukurōdani Academy on the football field with a few of her friends.

One of the girls giggled. "I got a glimpse of a seniors this morning." She said sitting up. "Apparently his soulmate thinks he looks like an owl."

[Y/N] sat up quickly. "An owl?!? Awe, they are so cute. Owls are fluffy and adorable and I love their eyes." She said gushing with happiness. She could get so easily excited if it was something that drew in her interest. It just so happened that owls were her favorite animals. To hear that someone here at the school looked like an owl definitely drew in her attention. "But... He is a third year... I don't exactly have a reason to be in the third year halls." She said pouting.

"Just ask your senpai." The oldest girl said smirking. [Y/N] was the baby of the group as the only first year, but she was fun so the others paid her age no mind.

[Y/N]'s eyes lit up. "[R/L/N]-senpai! Can you help me find the owl-boy? Please?!?!" She asked sitting on her knees now looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Hah! Of course I will." She said standing and dragging [Y/N] back towards the school like she knew something as [Y/N] tripped over her own feet trying to keep up.

"Senpai! Slow down. You move too fast." [Y/N] whined.

"Yeah well your owl-boy is fast and if he makes it to practice before we catch him we won't get another chance until tomorrow. They are starting closed practice." The older girl said as she continued to drag [Y/N] through the halls.

"Bokuto-San." The girl cooed sickeningly sweet as she poked her head into an emptying classroom, motioning [Y/N] in with her. "I have someone for you to meet, this is [L/N] [F/N]."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto said with an exaggerated wave, bobbing his head.

[Y/N] squealed, she hadn't caught what he had said yet. "OHMIGOD!!! YOULOOKJUSTLIKEANOWL!! KAWAII!!" She ran over to him and pat his head.

The stupefied look on Bokuto's face made all of this worth it to [R/N] as she waved and walked off leaving them alone. She grabbed Akaashi as she continued to walk. "You don't wanna go in there. Bokuto is about to explode." Akaashi raised his eyebrow but followed her deciding he didn't want to know.

[Y/N] was sitting there toying with Bokuto's hair but suddenly stopped. "Wait... What did you say to me?!?" She asked jumping away from him. Her eyes were wide with shock as she stared into his own wide golden orbs. Slowly the look on his face morphed into a mischievous one and he began to close the gap between them, grinning at her. "Hey, Hey, h-"

Panicked and confused she had had shoved him and ran out of the classroom. He was older than her which was most girl's dreams but that meant that she would lose him after this year and she would barely see him, he was into sports which meant he could get seriously hurt and she while she would be there to take care of him, it would kill her to watch him in pain like that... And she had embarrassed herself in front of him. As she ran through the halls towards the door she rubbed at the words on her arm still hoping for them to go away so that she could crawl into a hole and pretend she didn't exist but just like every other time, the words stayed there, as dark as alway.

She was cut out of her thoughts and stopped in her tracks as a gentle but rough to the touch hand closed around her wrist. "It's not very nice to shove your soulmate or to make your soulmate chase you down the hall, even if I am fast and knew that I would be able to catch up to you."

[Y/N] just stared at him like he was insane as she stood frozen to the spot. "I... How..." She couldn't think of what she was trying to say really, she was just freaked out.

Bokuto smirked again and held her arm up in front of her making not only her own tattoo visible to her, but his as well. "You are the reason I look like this still. I didn't want to change my look if my soulmate liked it so much. I am sure my fans thank you for that." He said winking at her.

[Y/N] sweatdropped. At first she had been a bit intimidated by him now she wasn't sure if she play along or punch him for being so damn obnoxious and full of himself. One thing was certain though as he took her hand in his finally releasing her wrist, she had met her soulmate finally.

She gave a small shrug as she gently pulled her hand free of his grip and jumped on his back with a giggle. "If you insist on looking like an owl then I require being flown everywhere we go." She said grinning at him. They had a lot to learn about each other but she was sure they would have a lot of fun learning together, they had all of their lives ahead of them after all.

"If you insist." He said smirking again as he bobbed his head and began running towards the gym.

[Y/N] tightened her hold on him as she howled with laughter.

Akaashi looked up when they walked in and groaned softly. He wasn't entirely sure if this was a good thing or not. Bokuto was already annoying by himself but now he would be trying to impress his soul mate as much as he possibly could.

Maybe he would stop having temper tantrums though if he knew that she was watching him, he would want to look like a winner after all... Of would he be willing to throw away his composure just to look edgy and cool? Akaashi sighed and rubbed his neck. "I need fresh air." He said leaving the gym.

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