I'm Just a boy from Cuba (Angst!Lance x Reader)

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Suicide attempt warning

[Y/N] smile at Hunk as she practically skipped into the kitchen, "Hey, smells great Hunk! Have you seen Lance?" She asked hopeful. She had asked and gotten the same answer from everyone.

"I haven't [Y/N], sorry." He said not looking up from where he was making cookies, he didn't see the very sad look that overtook her face.

"Alright, thanks Hunk." She said, leaving the room with her head hung rather upset. She had already searched pretty much the entire castle for the flirtatious and easily excitable blue paladin. He hadn't been at any of his usual haunts and that didn't sit well with her. She had checked the game room, the common room, the pool, and the training deck… she even checked blue's hanger to no avail.

"Lance... where are you?" She asked, honestly worried as she walked through the halls quietly, her eyebrows creased. She paused as worrisome thoughts popped into her head. Everyone knew Lance was homesick but today, he seemed even more so… he had been really down and then just disappeared. Her mind became plague with dark thoughts that he might do something stupid causing her to run, not stopping until she was outside of his door.

She opened his door and though it was dark inside she knew he was there due to him sniffling. As she shifted, light from the hall lit the room up and she stared confused. There he was, sitting on the bed, not moving, bayard in sword form gripped tightly in his right hand while cradling his left arm close.

"Lance?" She called nervously as she tiptoed to him. He suddenly turned to stare at her, ocean blue eyes full of fear.

"[Y/N]... no one comes by here at this hour..." His voice sounded strained. "What are you-?" His body wobbled a bit as his voice died on his tongue. [Y/N] hurried to him, cradling him in her arms. She could feel something wet through the fabric of the sweater she wore and looked down to see crimson red staining everything as it steadily flowed from the gash on his arm.

"Lance, what did you do?" She demanded as she screamed for help. He didn't acknowlege her as his eyes rolled back. "Lance!"


[Y/N] paced back-and-forth, her eyes never leaving the pod that Lance was in. She couldn't believe everyone's negligence, her own included. If they had noticed his behavior and cared more... She shook her head and prayed she had found him in time.

"[Y/N], you need to go change and get some rest. We will notify you the moment he is awake." Allura gently told the anxious girl.

"Over my dead body." She snapped, her tone uncharacteristically cold. "I can't trust any of you anymore!" She yelled as tears began spilling from her eyes. "None of you cared enough to see this coming and none of you cared enough to even go check on him! If I hadn't been looking for him because I was worried about him he would be dead right now!" She clenched and unclenched her fists trying to keep herself from exploding. "You can supposed to be his friends, his family, and instead you taunt him for trying to hide how depressed he is behind the flirting and dumb jokes." By now the tears were freely rolling down her cheeks unchecked. "If he dies I will never be able to forgive you."

The paladins all seemed taken aback as they stared at her with wide eyes, guilt was slowly setting in. All of them ignored the very obvious cry for help, now his life was in danger and there was nothing they could do.

"I never even got to tell him how he felt about him." [Y/N] said, wiping her face with her sleeve. Her eyes were cast down so she didn't notice Keith opening his mouth to tell her something nor did she notice Pidge elbow him roughly in the ribs to shut him up. "He has one of those infectious smiles, the ones that light up the room and make you happy. Hes completely selfless and would do anything to save a complete stranger." [Y/N] smiled to herself as she reminisced. "Like Coran! Remember? Lance hadn't known Coran very long and yet he protected him from Sendak's blast. And the time with the mermaids Hunk... He stayed to make sure he could save you and the mermaids even though he could have easily gotten away. Yes he can be a little bit of a showboat, and he flirts a lot, but he is sweet and he is brave. That's why I hate seeing him suffer a like this and I hate seeing him in pain. How can you guys be so calm at a time like this?" She asked her [E/C] orbs full of anguish.

Allura smiled, "Well [Y/N], when you're in love with someone, it does tend to make you more emotional when it comes to their feelings and hardships." She said calmly and gently, her smile only grew more at the choked gasp that came from behind [Y/N].

The young woman's face drained of all color upon hearing the noise and slowly she turned, afraid of what she knew she was going to see.

There, sending in the now open pod, was Lance. His face was pointed towards his feet in an attempt to hide his bright red face. However, the color that spread to his ears was very visible. [Y/N] looked absolutely mortified. "I… how much of that did you hear?" She asked though she was sure she already knew the answer.

"A-all of it?" Lance replied, though it certainly came out more of a question than an answer. This earned muffled laughter from the other paladin's as they fled the room. Lance shifted a bit, embarrassed but not uncomfortable, and slowly his eyes met [Y/N]. "Did you really mean all of that stuff you said?" He asked nervous. His psyche couldn't handle this being a lie but he didn't get a chance to even entertain the thought before she nodded vigorously.

"Of course I meant every word of it! Lance, when I saw you in your room, I thought I'd never get the chance to tell you how amazing you are. You deserve to hear those words every single day and no matter how tired of it you might get, I'll tell you until you believe me." She said her eyes shining with hope and determination.

"But... I'm just some boy from Cuba." He said rubbing his neck, a bit shy suddenly. "I'm nothing special enough for you to waste your time or energy on me."

[Y/N] kissed his cheek lightly as she took his hands in hers. "I don't view any of this as a waste. You are worth every second."

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