Little Shrimp (Hinata Shoyo x Reader)

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Warning: This is a Hinata Shōyō lemon requested by Safeena on Archive of Our Own.

[F/N] knew today wouldn't be a good day as soon as she saw her boyfriend leaving the gym. His normal smiled was gone, leaving him angry and scowling. The look sent a shudder running up [F/N]'s back as her heart rate picked up. "Hey... Shōyō, what's wro-" She couldn't even finish before he had grabbed her wrist and began to drag her off. She could hear his teammates calling out for him but everything seemed so muffled to her.

She wished that she could say having him behave like this frightened her but in all honesty, it didn't.. It actually excited her to see him like this, it was attractive.

Hinata held her wrist firmly but even with his mind foggy like this, it was obvious he was being careful not to physical hurt her. "Stupid King." He muttered under his breath. It was obvious that he was angry about something his friend had done but [F/N] had no idea what it could have possibly been.

She bit her lip as she began to chew on the skin a bit, she knew she could cause herself to bleed doing that but she was too distracted to care as she followed him quickly, wanting to be sure he didn't dislocate her shoulder. "Hey, come on... Whatever Kageyama did, I am sure everything will be okay." She said softly trying to keep her voice from shaking. It wouldn't have been from fear, though it should have been.

Hinata's grip on her wrist tightened. "You don't know what happened damn it. You have no right to butt in like you know anything!" He said snapping at her.

[F/N] felt a twinge of pain in her chest but she knew for a fact that Hinata didn't mean it. He would never intentionally hurt her. "Shōyō..." She said trying to hide the pain from him. "Take that back. You take that back right now! I know that I might not have any clue what you two are fighting over this time but I sure as hell know more than you give me credit fo-" In one swift movement the normally hyper ginger had pulled her into her house and slammed her against the wall, managing to trap her with his own body.

He didn't say anything, he didn't even look at her as he tried to make his decision.

"Dammit Hinata, let me go!" That one phrase was all it seemed to take to send Hinata's wall crumbling down. Roughly, he grabbed her face kissing her both needy and hungry.

[F/N]'s eyes went wide before she slowly let them slide shut and gave him the control he seemed so desperate to have. As her lips parted from the ecstasy, Hinata took no time letting his tongue dive into her mouth to explore and dominate.

Hinata lifted her up letting her wrap her arms and legs around him as he carefully carried her to her room, the last thing he needed was to accidentally drop her and hurt her. He gave a guttural growl as he held onto her, he sounded so animalistic and yet, his heart was pounding in his chest from sheer excitement.

His hands cupped and squeezed her ass as he kicked open her door, leaving [F/N] feeling like putty in his hands. She wasn't sure what to expect at this point but she didn't care either. She just wanted to be close to Shōyō and she trusted him.

She gasped as her back hit the bed and immediately his hands had found their way up her shirt. "So impatient..." She said breathlessly. His hands were calloused from the sport he loved so dearly but somehow, against the naked skin of her stomach, nothing had ever felt more perfect.

"If you insist on using that smart mouth of yours, I will have to get creative." He said slipping his hands out from under her shirt.

[F/N] whimpered no longer feeling the warmth of his skin against hers. "Shōyō, wh-" She flushed a deep shade of red as he untied the tie around her neck and turned it into a gag.

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