A Cry in a Dream (Prince Callum x Fem!Reader)

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This oneshot was requested by Alice Stone on the Dragon Prince Amino and I was happy to oblige! I put a lot of thought into this one so I really hope you like it.

A young woman glanced up and smiled hearing Callum and Ezran enter the Courtyard where she had been reading. The princes had always been very close friends with her but lately she has been getting butterflies in her stomach each time Callum smiled at her. She knew very well what her feelings for the king's stepson were but having no royal blood and not wanting to ruin their friendship she kept quiet besides… didn't he like Claudia?

"[Y/N]! Hi!" Ezran called out loudly as he waved dramatically, running over to her with Callum in tow.

"Good morning Prince Ezran it's wonderful to see you." She said putting her book down before turning to look at Callum. "Good morning to you as well Pri-"

"Wake up [Y/N]." Callum said cutting her off mid sentence. "You need to get away from the castle, it's not safe. I have sent a friend to meet you at the Winter lodge. Take my horse and tell no one where you are going. Hurry! While it is still dark!"


[Y/N] jerked awake and looked around confused finding herself in the moonlit room she called home at the palace. "That… was a dream? That felt so real. It felt like Callum was actually calling to me." She said as she tried to settle back into bed to go to sleep, but she couldn't. What if that wasn't just a dream? What if Callum had found a way to talk to her? No matter what Viren had said, she didn't believe that either of the princes were dead.

Quickly she rose from her bed and threw on a tunic, trousers, boots, and cloak that she had hidden for days when she snuck out of the castle to explore. She ran from the room and headed to the stables, avoiding being seen by anyone.

"[Y/N]?" A confused voice called as she readied the Windsor grey stallion that had been Prince Callum's companion.

"Hello Soren." She said softly as she tried not to panic. She didn't have time for interruptions, she had to think of a plan quickly.

"What are you doing out here this late and with the Step-prince's horse?" He asked leaning against the frame of the stall.

[Y/N] shook her head, her [H/C] hair tied back and hidden beneath the cloak. "I couldn't sleep, I have been plagued by terrible nightmares so I thought a late night ride might clear my head." She lied rather easily.

"Why not your own horse?" Soren asked an eyebrow raised as he watched her. Had she not just been working with her horse earlier this morning?

[Y/N] looked at the stallion next to her. " But no one has ridden him since…" Her voice broke.

"Since the princes died." Soren said regretting questioning her. "Go on, I will cover for you." He said walking off as she mounted the horse and raced towards the open gate and off castle grounds.

"I'm sorry Soren." She whispered as they galloped away, ignoring the yells behind her. In all honesty, Callum's horse was lean and fast. He was a 7 year old horse built for distance running. Her's was still a filly and would never make the trek to the winters lodge. If that really was Callum that spoken to her in her dream he had probably realized that to.


[Y/N] groaned in pain as she carefully sat up, rubbing her bandaged head. "Where am I?" She asked confused. The last thing she remembered was riding Callum's horse. She had seen the lodge come into view but something had spooked the majestic creature and he had thrown her from his back before running in the direction of the castle. So… where the heck was she now and how did she get here?

[Y/N] looked to her left hearing fabric move and stared at a moonshadow elf at the entrance to what she assumed now was tent. Not sure what else to do the young woman started yelling for help startling the elf as she ran over desperately trying to silence [Y/N] screams.

"[Y/N]! [Y/N]! You're safe I promise!" A male's voice called out to her, it was such a familiar voice to.

"Callum?" She called nervously relaxing as her eyes fell upon his figure. "It's really as you… Lord Viren said you were... Ezran! Is Ezran okay?" Her head was full of so many questions and she still felt woozy from her fall and lack of food.

Suddenly a small sack was dropped on her lap. She looked up at the elf standing next to her confused.

"It's food." She said as she moved towards the exit. "And it's not-"

"Thank you." [Y/N] said eating a few berries with no hesitation. Any hint of fear she had felt towards the elf was long gone but it still left the other woman surprised. This human girl had no reason to believe her and yet she trusted her blindly.

"Ez is fine." Callum said giving the elf a gentle 'I will introduce you in a little while' kind of look. "He is out playing right now but he's been in here with you most of the time since you arrived."

"I missed you." The young woman blurted out not giving herself time to chicken out. "I thought I would never see you again and that thought scared me. The you just kind of showed up in my dream and I suddenly had all of this hope again and a comfirmation you were still alive."

Callum smiled at her. "Well, I can't go off and die on you without telling you the big secret I've been hiding for years." He said as he began to shyly rub the back of his neck.

[Y/N] looked a bit concern as she stared at the dark haired boy in front of her, ringing her hands with worry. "What kind of secret?" She asked her mind racing to a million different places all of them involving a worst case scenario.

"Well you see… There's this girl, right? She has been in my life for 10 years. She's smart and beautiful and feisty... She is loyal to a fault and I think that's how she managed to steal my heart. Normally, any man, myself included, would count that as a blessing. I mean, the best girl in all of Katolis, maybe even the world, has my heart but there's a problem…She has never shown any interest in me aside from being the best friend that a guy could ask for and I don't want to ruin what we have together."

[Y/N]'s bright [E/C] orbs seemed to twinkle in the gentle light cast by the sun outside the tent as she stood and approached him. "I have it on very good authority that she only kept her crush a secret because she thought you are in love with Claudia and didn't want to ruin your chances for happiness. You won't ruin everything, you won't ruin anything." She said leaning in to kiss him ever so gently, an action that Callum was only happy to return.

××××× Bonus Scene×××××

"[Y/N]'s awake! [Y/N]'s awake! [Y/N]'s awake!!" Ezran called out happily as he ran to the tent with Azymondias in his arms. He poked his head in and giggled, spotting his older brother hugging [Y/N] close. He pulled his head out and smiled at the dragon putting his finger to his lips. "We will come back later!"

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