The Candy Man Can... (Gabriel x Reader)

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So I got a message from my 'Sister from another Mister' Cinchester17 asking for a GabrielxReader after she read the other one that I wrote and as always I am happy to oblige. *Corny bow* Any who I hope you enjoy this, if it isn't what you were hoping for let me know and I will be happy to redo it.

[Y/N] liked to think that there was very little that managed to get under her skin and drive her insane... She was patient, laid back, easy to get along with... All in all she was a very lovable person. But, Gabriel never failed to annoy her. When he visited her at school, whenever he popped up in places where she was, his excessive flirting... But this... This took the cake for things he had done that drove her insane.


[Y/N] walked into her first period class, her hair up in a ponytail and her eyes down, staring at the pages of her book. Her eyes flew over the pages quickly as she smiled at everything that she read.

"Miss [L/N], you really should get your nose out of a book and enjoy the life around you." A smooth and familiar voice came over her.

[Y/N] stopped, her ears perking up at the sound and she turned staring at him. "G-ga-." She couldn't believe her eyes. Was that bloody-fudging feather head impersonating a teacher now just to harass her.

Gabriel grinned mischievously. "Please take your seat Miss [L/N]. The bell is about to ring."

[Y/N] felt like her legs were made of lead as she stood staring at him her mouth hanging open. "This... Can't be real..." She muttered pinching herself.

Slowly she managed to make it over to her desk and she plopped down in defeat. 'Why is he here?' She asked herself as she sat in her seat staring at him, her eye twitching. 'If you mess up my education Gabriel, so help me God...'

Gabriel glanced over at her and his eyes twinkled as though he knew exactly what she was thinking. "Alright, so to start the day's lesson we will pick up with the lesson plan that [T/N] left for me. I see that you are currently learning about the roaring 20's. Quite an interesting time period don't you think?" He asked acting like any other substitute teacher would. But [Y/N] couldn't relax. Would he really be here if he didn't have something absolute obnoxious planned?

In all honesty, as much as she could him annoying, she was also crazy about him. He was an inconsistent variable in this mundane existence. He never did what logic dictated he should. Maybe that was why she liked him so much, he broke through the grey and was this obnoxiously bright kaleidoscope of color.

"Okay, so for us to continue the lesson, I believe a hands on approach should be taken. Who here knows how to swing dance?" Gabriel asked as though he already knew the answer.

Without even thinking about the man actually asking the question, [Y/N] rose her hand. Being passionate about dance, it was only natural that she learned this iconic style.

"Wonderful. Miss [L/N] how about you and I teach your classmates how to swing dance?" Gabriel asked making sure she could catch the slightly seductive tone in his voice.

[Y/N] immediately looked up at him. Was he clinically insane? He was pretending to be a teacher.. Yes she was a senior but... This could hardly be listed as appropriate. Of course... If he was willing to go this far to bug the hell out of her, she might as well have some fun along the way. "Alright." She said standing and tying her hair into a bun. "Any particular style you want to teach them?" She asked completely calm.

"Keeping with the 20's theme, let's do the collegiate shag." He said, his eyebrow raising just a hair to watch her.

She rolled her eyes sure that he was trying to make that a sex joke as much as he made it about the dance itself. "Alright." She said walking to the front of the class. "Shall we dance, Mr. Angel." She asked with a warm smile.

This was the first time most of her classmates had seen her this active, or acting like she was enjoying herself. She was usually so straight laced and silent but now... She was biting back laughter and trying to hide her excitement. She moved so naturally with Gabriel, maybe that was one of the reasons she honestly got along with him so well... because they flowed together.

Gabriel smiled internally as they went through the moves, he could count this as a victory. He had gotten her to smile at him.


After school was over, [Y/N] sat outside waiting for that dumb brunette angel to come out.

"Awe come on, don't tell me you are mad at me." Gabriel said walking up behind her. "You know you had fun today." He said giving her his signature smirk.

"You are getting careless Gab. A teacher flirting with a student? That is dangerous by its own rights. What would people have said if they put two and two together and figured out we are actually a thing?" She asked rolling her eyes at him as she hopped off the bench. "I am just sayin' if you wanna keep coming to see me at school you should probably tone it down there feather head." She said smiling at him.

"Still love me?" He asked, giving her a half-assed pout.

[Y/N] couldn't help but giggle as she took hold of his arm. "To the moon and back Gab. Even you are being really weird and needy." She said sticking her tongue out at him playfully. "Which is fortunate because if I didn't I would be screwed." She said as she lightly brushed her fingers against the feathers of his wings. "Face it Gab... You are stuck with me." She said smiling at him happily.

"I don't think it is really classified as being stuck with someone when that is what you want." He said smiling at her as he ruffled her hair.

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