Smooth Criminal (Erwin Smith x Fem!Reader)

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Written Spiritt on AO3
Original published January 2020
Word Count: 2229

[Y/N] frowned from her hidden perch in a large tree, her eyes focused on the stone walls in the distance. She was going to starve to death before she ever caught a glimpse of humanity again. “I was really hoping I could see my friends just one more time before I died.” She said with a sad sigh. “Punishments here sure don’t fit the crime.” She said upset as she looked to the sky. How long had she been out here now? She couldn’t even remember at this point. She removed the hap-hazard rope fore around her was and was getting ready to rappel down in order to find some water when she noticed a commotion off in the distance. Off to her left, several titans were rushing towards something like they like they were in a feeding frenzy. 

[Y/N] was about to ignore their behavior when she remembered something of vital importance; Titans only eat humans. “The survey corps!” She said in an excited whisper as she quickly climbed down the tree. She had no idea where they were going or how to find them, but she had to try, they were her only hope of survival. 

As quietly as she could she ran down the cobblestone roads hoping she could maybe intercept them. After a minute she stopped and couldn’t stop herself from smacking her forehead; it would be so much faster to bring them to her. Working quickly, she moved to the closest building to gather as much dry wood as possible. If she could start a fire, they would be able to see the smoke. Plenty of their members were intelligent enough to recognize smoke meant fire and fire meant human. 

Taking enough time to be sure that this would be effective, [Y/N] took two stones and struck them together, eventually sparking the dry brush and wood causing a small flame. She got down low and lightly blew on the tiny flame until it had grown large enough to provide them smoke necessary to be a good enough signal. “Yes!” She cheered as she backed up to admire her work. “Hopefully this will work.” She quickly searched around her for a place where she could hide, opting for a small collapsed building with just enough room for her to hide. She couldn’t risk a titan investigating the flames and finding her before the corps did.  

“The smoke is this way Heichou!” She heard a young man's voice less than a block off and silently celebrated. She would be safe soon. She would much rather the survey corps put  her to death for the petty crime she had committed than be eaten out here.  

“Be sharp Jaegar.” A very familiar voice called as the sound of horse hooves came to a stop near her. “Be on the lookout for Titans and the survivor. We are out in the open and in a confined space.” The sharp tongue of humanities strongest was very distinct. 

“Well, well, if it isn’t Levi Ackerman.” The woman said cheerfully. “It’s been quite some time.” 

Levi held his hand up, stopping the others from advancing. “I never thought I would talk to a ghost.” The younger recruits all looked to Levi confused, they had never heard that hint of gentleness in his voice before. It was a pleasant surprise.  

Slowly, [Y/N] crawled from the rubble and stood up, carefully dusting herself off. “If the government in charge of the underground had been able to get what they wanted, I would be a ghost.”  

Levi was carefully looking her over, his steel eyes not missing a detail. Her hair was disheveled, and she looked like she hadn’t had food in weeks. He didn’t want to think about the hell she had been through out here alone. “Arlert, get [Y/N] back to headquarters. The commander will want to speak to her.” Levi said not taking his eyes off her. He was doing his best to not show how worried he was for her heath. “When I get back, we have somethings we will need to talk about.” He said firmly.  

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