Crystal Clear: Soulmate AU (Nobuchika Ginoza x Reader)

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Soulmate AU: Imagine every time your soulmate writes something on their own skin, it appears on your skin as well.

Ginoza didn't know why, but the days when his soulmate was feeling particularly artist were some of his favorites. Seeing the designs that would start at his hand and slowly wind up his arm made him feel that much more relaxed and he could swear that every once in awhile, his hue would clear up looking at them. Today though he sensed something was wrong, the designs never came yesterday and they were not showing up today either. It made him worry, what if something had happened to her, there had been quite a few kills lately and if she had been one of the victims he would likely next know.

"Hey Gino?" Kogami said pointing at Ginoza's collar bone. "What is that?"

Ginoza narrowed his eyes not appreciating the use of his nickname but looked down anyway, poking out just about the collar of his shirt was what looked like hasty handwriting. Quickly, Ginoza pulled off his tie and unbuttoned the first couple of buttons on his shirt. Written along his left clavicle in panicked chicken scratch was one simple phrase. 'Help Me.' He felt his blood run cold. That was not the sign that she was alive that he wanted because now he knew that she was in danger and that her clock was ticking.

"We had a good idea of where this guy was Gino... We can narrow it down to somewhere he could keep her hidden and find her that way." Kogami and Ginoza had been best friends, he knew when the raven haired male was panicked... There had to be someway that he could help...

Ginoza stared at the words though, something didn't add up but he couldn't quite place what the issue was. "We have to find-" His words drew to a stop after new words began forming. 'Boiler Room'. "I want site maps for the buildings in the radius we are looking at." He said trying to keep his hue from clouding at the emotions he was experiencing.


Bound and gagged, [Y/N] glared up at her captor who held a pen in his hand smirking at her collarbone. His crime coefficient number was well over 200 and he was lashing out at random people to feed whatever sick fantasy he had in his head.

"There we go... Now, if your soulmate is anyone important who can decipher that... I might just let you live." He said darkly, sitting across from her just staring at her.

[F/N] knew what that meant though... Her soulmate would be killed in order for her to live and she couldn't allow that. She had to get out of here. Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, [F/N] began working on freeing her wrists from the rope not caring if she made herself bleed.

"Let's hope that your soulmate is quick because I am not known for my patience." The man said staring at her.

[Y/N] scoffed. "No, of course you aren't. Because when people have patience and are sane they don't go around killing each other just to see if their soulmates show up." She said feeling her wrists getting raw. "Besides. There is no way that my soulmate would fall for that even if he was around and could decipher your message. With how often he sees my messages and arts he should know my handwriting by now."

"You are also left-handed." An additional male voice cut in as the pair heard shoes clicking against the concrete floor. "So unless you managed to completely dislocate your arm to write that note, this was a trap to begin with."

[F/N] smiled as she felt her body relax. She knew she sounded absolutely insane but her hue had never been clearer. "I knew you knew me better than that."

"I would hope so. I have had our art covering my right arm for years now, right handed people wouldn't be able to do that."

Even though she couldn't see him, hearing his voice was a huge deal. This way she knew she wasn't alone.

"Gino, we are here for a reason." I know you are happy to meet your soulmate but don't you think that we should get her to safety fi-"He stopped talking hearing the dominator go off.

"I was already thinking about that. Her safety was my priority but acting as though he wasn't there led to him being distracted."

[F/N] looked up and smiled seeing the spectacled man exit the shadows lowering the gun in his hands. "Hello." She said looking him over. He looked like a no nonsense guy on the outside but she was sure that underneath that he was a very different man and she had the rest of her life to learn about him.

[F/N] hissed in pain and turned her head quickly, feeling someone messing with her bindings had broken her from her thoughts and pulled her back to reality.

Another male was kneeling behind her, loosening her bindings. As he glanced up at her he didn't even bother to appear apologetic. "I will have you freed in a minute and then Gino is all yours." He glanced over at the other male. "Shouldn't you check her hue though Gino? After what she went through just now her numbers might be messed up."

It took her another moment for everything to sink in for her. "OH! That makes sense now! You are an inspector." She said looking at Ginoza. That is how you figure out where I was and how you had access to the dominator." She said before standing as he arms were freed. Lightly she rubbed her wrists frowning at how raw they were. "Go ahead. You can scan me." She said smiling at him gently. She really didn't foresee her numbers or hue changing over something as trivial as getting kidnapped. She had been so calm after all.

Ginoza just shook his head. "We will check your numbers later. For now let's just get you home."

"[F/N]." She said softly as she watched her with sparkling [E/C] eyes.

"What was that?" Ginoza asked looking at her with an eyebrow raised.

She smiled at him. "My name... It's [F/N]." She said still as gentle as ever.

"Oh." Ginoza cleared his throat and tried to hid his blush. "I..."

Kogami snickered. "This is Nobuchika Ginoza. And I am Kogami."

She smiled a bit warmer and nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

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