Dynamic Duo; Soulmate AU (Kirishima Eijiro x Bakugo Katsuki)

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Written for my best friend Ann's birthday
Original published December 2019
Word Count: 2048

Soulmate AU: Soulmates have the same marking on each other’s skin. 

No one quite understood what Kirishima saw in the rather loud blond he hung around, as a friend or romantic partner. Most  of his classmates thought he could do so much better and if he tried, Kirishima could find his Soulmate. The genuine smile that was on his face anytime he was with Bakugo kept them from saying anything to him about it.  

Kirishima laughed as he sat with the Baku-Squad during lunch. Bakugo had decided to train more since Deku was starting to leave him behind,  leaving the others to chat and gossip without the hothead. Mina saw that as an opportunity to get something off her chest that was starting to get to her.  

“Speaking of who should date who...” Mina said rather pointedly as she looked at the red head near her, pulling their attention away from the debate on who Deku was going to end up with. “How is everything going with Bakugo?” The group supported Kirishima’s decision to be with him, but they had their fair share of complaints about different aspects.  

Kirishima perked up a bit at the topic change. “Oh! Uh, good. It’s going good.” He said rubbing the back of his neck as he smiled a bit sheepishly. “He isn’t as bad as everyone tries to make him seem.” He said softly. “Yeah, he is loud and stand offish, he isn’t the pinnacle of romance or anything like that, but I really don’t mind.”  

Sero looked at him, “We can tell you are really happy with him man. It’s just... Have you ever thought to maybe check if he-” 

“No.” Kirishima responded firmly though his mood and tone didn’t change. “I don’t need to know if he is my soulmate or not. It wouldn’t change how I feel. I love him, I think I always will, and I want to be with him. If I am not his soulmate I would rather live in blissful ignorance and just make him happy for as long as I can.” 

The group appeared to be exasperated by his declaration. “All you have to do is look at his mark. And I am sure if you don’t want him to know you know, you could ask Midoriya. They had been friends before, I bet he saw his mark. If they don’t match you can just say fuck it and stay with him anyway and he wouldn’t be the wiser. Most people now don’t care to find their soulmates, it’s too hard most of the time.” Sero pointed out.  

Kirishima seemed to nervously chew on his lip before shaking his head. “No, I can’t.” He would never let the others know it, but he was worried about how Bakugo would react. Would he leave to look for his actual soulmate if he knew that Kirishima wasn’t his? “I appreciate your concern guys, but I don’t mind it this way.” He said as he stood up gathering his trash. “It’s not very manly to leave garbage for others. Make sure you clean up.” He said before heading out of the cafeteria.  

He sighed once he was alone, glad to be away from the prying eyes and ears of the student body. He loved the thought of Bakugo being his soulmate. It was a dream of most young people to find out that one of their best friends is their soulmate; they would already know anything you need to tell them, you would already have some kind of bond with them, and you both would know what to expect going into this. He felt drawn to his boyfriend in a way he had never experienced before, it felt like what people had described when soulmates first started popping up. While he was lost in his own thoughts, just standing in the middle of the hallway silently, someone approached him, looking concerned.  

A hand reached out and grabbed his arm causing the once distracted Kirishima to activate his quirk and spin around to stare at the person that had grabbed him. The villains had gotten into the school before, what if they had done it again and he was the one to be taken this time. As the adrenaline finally began to wear off and he became aware that he was not in danger, Kirishima realized that It was Deku that had grabbed him.  

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