One Man's Trash... Is Another Man's Gold (Old Man Logan x Pregnant!Reader)

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Okay, I know this isn't exactly what you asked for but it was harder to write old man Logan than I thought it would be, I am really sorry. Hopefully you like this enough to forgive me. Warning guys, the end is kinda full of angst, it's the mood I was in when I wrote this. I don't foresee a part two coming from this so it is up to you what happens at the end.

"Graydon!" A young woman screamed as she beat on the locked door in front of her. "Please! You can't do this! You can't do this to us!" She said tears in her eyes. All around her were boxes and bags full of the belongings she had, kicked out of the home she had shared with her boyfriend and the father of her unborn baby.

She rested her hand carefully on her stomach as she frowned looking around at all of her stuff. "It's alright little one... I will figure something out... Mommy loves you." She felt like it was important to make sure that her baby knew that she was loved, even if Graydon had kicked them out and was abandoning them. "On to a newer model, huh Graydon?" She muttered as she began to search through the boxes for anything important that she might need. Her thoughts were interrupted but a low grunt as she saw boxes being moved from her peripheral vision. "Wait, please! Those are mine!" She called out in a panicked tone ready to plead with him.

"I know." The man said in a gruff tone. "That's why I am grabbing them." He said shoving them in the back of a truck.

[F/N] gasped when he turned around, suddenly recognizing him. Mutton chops, a cigar hanging out of his permanently scowling mouth, jeans and a plaid shirt. "Y-you're Wolverine... The X-Man..." She said, watching him load her belongings in shock.

"No point in using that name kid... It's Logan." He said with a bit of a huff.

[F/N] looked at him, her eyes narrowed. "I am not a kid. I am [age] and in case you didn't realize, I have a name. I figured someone sent here to pick me up would know at least that much."

Logan sighed and muttered under his breath. "Why does the professor always give me the ones with the attitude problems?"

"Probably to teach you manners pal, because yours are absolutely atrocious." She snapped, her arms crossed over her chest.

Logan watched her a moment before he began to chuckled. "Ya got spunk kid, You will do just fine without that creep."


Four months had passed since that fateful day and [F/N] had begun to notice how close to Logan she had actually become and how dependent on him she was as her pregnancy grew to a close. He always seemed to be there and humored all of her odd requests.

"Logan..." [F/N] called out trying not to sound whiny. "My feet hurt and I am hungry." She said looking over at her lumberjack looking friend.

"You ate less than an hour ago and I just rubbed your..." He looked at the pouty on her face and sighed. "I swear you are the most needy pregnant woman I have ever met in my long life." Logan said grabbing his leather jacket from a nearby chair.

[F/N] just giggled. She had elected not to stay at the manor not wanting to disturb or inconvenience anyone after the baby was born. Instead she found a cute little two bedroom house about a mile or so away, just right for her and the bab. Logan tended to visit more often than not and the couch had almost become his permanent bed. "You clearly haven't met many pregnant woman then... I am pretty tame by comparison." She said, her arms crossed over her chest as she stuck her tongue out at him childishly. "I want KFC." She said staring him down. "And popsicles... The push pop kind!" She said before grinning at him as innocently as she could possibly manage.

"You are lucky you are cute." He muttered under his breath before nodding. "Fine, whatever. Just stay here, relax... When I get back I will rub your feet... Again." He said gruffly.

[F/N] smiled at him brightly. "Thank you so much Logan! You are the best!" She said her voice full of genuine happiness and admiration.

"Yeah, yeah." Logan muttered before waving and leaving the small house, he was determined to do whatever it took to make sure she was happy.


"Hey, brat, I got your KFC... I searched three different stores but I couldn't find-" Logan's voice trailed off as his claws extended. The house was dark and silent. In all the time he had been coming by he knew that even if [F/N] fell asleep she did so with have of the lights in the house on and either music or the tv going in the background. "[F/N]?" He called out again making his way through the living room. He heard a shuffle coming from the master bedroom and it sounded to quick to be a woman that was 9 months pregnant and ready to pop any day.

He had a very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach and moved as quickly as he could while still being quiet. Flipping the light switch he was met with a sight that made his blood freeze over and boil at the same time.

Tied to the bed, mouth duct taped, and face covered in bruises was [F/N] who looked over at Logan with absolute terror and desperation in her eyes as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Sorry babe, he's too late. I can't have some whore and a bastard child messing everything up for me... I have it too good right now."

Logan looked at the man he had failed to notice before but didn't have time to react. There was a flash of silver in the setting sun as the foot long serrated knife was plunged deep into her belly. [F/N]'s screams were muffled by the tape as she tried coughing up blood and her eyes rolled back into her head. Logan flew into a rage and by the time he was done with the young man, he wasn't recognizable.


"[Y/N]..." The familiar gruff voice spoke as he changed out the long dead flowers. "I hope you wake up soon. Aeryn is getting so big. Hank said that from a six month old, she is much further along than expected." He said as he sat on the edge on the bed, moving her hair from her face as he watched the heartbeat monitor.

"Everyone finally stopped questioning it when I tell them that I am Aeryn's father, I did sign her birth certificate after all. I hope you don't mind, I am sure that I can make the both of you very happy." His heart ached to have to fill her in like this while machines kept her alive.

"Please [F/N]... Came back to me. I need you... Aeryn needs you. I promised you a foot rub remember?" he said kissing her forehead. "I miss you."

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