Teddy Bear (Asahi Azumane x Reader)

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I really hope you guys like this, I adore this giant Teddy Bear more than anything!

"ASAHI-SENPAI!" A cheerful voice called out accompanied by thunderous foot-fall. The gentle giant didn't have a chance to brace himself or even turn around before the girl launched herself at him and wrapped her arms and legs around him, her head resting on his shoulder as [E/C]-eyes examined his face. "Hello Asahi-senpai! Did you miss me?"

Asahi felt his face warm up as he tried to hide his face from her view. He still struggled around the excitable 2nd year, he was always afraid he would do something to frighten her and make her abandon him and he didn't want that, she was always so nice to him.

"Senpai?" The girl asked her voice softer now as she looked at him with worry in her eyes.

"S-sorry!" He said quickly. "I guess I just got lost in thought."

She frowned at him and puffed her cheeks out a bit. "Not fair Asahi-senpai... I asked if you miss me." She said said hopping of his back with her arms over her chest as she pouted.

"O-of course I-i missed you." He said shakily, his face bright red. She had that effect on him, him, the ace of Karasuno High's volleyball team managed to get flustered and embarrassed when talking to the second year.

[F/N] smiled brightly at Asahi and held her hands behind her back as she rocked back on her heels.

Asahi blushed more as he watched her. She was absolutely adorable and he was sure she didn't even try.

[F/N] couldn't help but giggle at him watching the pink on his cheeks becoming even more announced. "Asahi-senpai?" She said softly as she took a step towards him. "What would you do if you really liked someone?" She asked softly as she kicked the ground lightly.

Asahi's heart sped up but broke at the same time. Was she asking because she had a feeling he liked her or was she asking because he was her senpai and she needed advice? His palms began to sweat as his heart rate picked up even more. "Wh-why do y-you ask?" He asked cursing himself for always becoming a stuttering mess in front of her.

This time a dusting of pink graced [F/N]'s face as she hid behind her hair. "Well... See... there is this guy... A-an upperclassman... and I..." She couldn't even look up at him as she tried to form a coherent sentence.

Asahi mentally frowned and sighed, she had a crush on one of his classmates and she needed his help. He forced a smile and touched her shoulder lightly. "I will help you in anyway I can [L/N]-chan." He said, while he was hurting a bit, his voice was laced with honesty.

[F/N] looked up at him and gave him a bright smile before giving him a big hug. "Thank you Asahi-Senpai!" She said happily as she lightly breathed in his scent making sure that she was as inconspicuous as possible. She couldn't just out right tell him that it was him, what if he rejected her? She loved being around him even if he was always nervous and worried about what people thought of him. He was a giant teddy bear, she loved the way his eyes sparkled when he talked about things he was passionate about, she loved the wrinkles that appeared by his eyes when he laughed, but her favorite thing was the way he looked at her. It was one of those looks that made her feel like the only girl on the planet.

"[F/N]-chan! Let's go!" A voice called behind her, breaking her out of her thoughts, glancing over her shoulder she smiled seeing her friends Tanaka and Noya.

"See you later Asahi-Senpai!" She said smiling at him brightly before running to catch up with the second-years.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Saturday Afternoon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Come on! It's not that easy!" [F/N] said with an exasperated sigh as she tried for the third time to fix her hair. The two boys with her were absolutely no help as they kept laughing at her. She pouted and flopped down on her bed. "It's hopeless! I am absolutely hopeless."

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