But I had to at least show visible resistance so I can show him that I'll not back down without a fight.

But then again, I find myself lost in his eyes, fascinated at those green orbs. Not even a hint of anger nor boredom. Just plain lifeless. How could someone have such beautiful eyes yet lacked the emotion to complete it?

I snapped out of it, realizing the situation I'm in. I need to get out of here! But how?

The gods must've heard my prayers because the figure suddenly leapt away from as Shawn tried to land a punch at him.

"Get away from my babe!" He shouted.

I stood back up slowly with my axe in my hand, ignoring Shawn declaration.

"Who's that guy?" Racquel said as she ran over to my side.

"Whoa! He's cool! Can I have one? Oh, please, please, please, please!" Tristan began kneeling down and begged at me.

"Uhh... Tristan. I don't think he would like that." Finn said nervously.

This is great. We have the whole gang here. We could probably beat him. After that, we're getting out of here. It was a mistake to come here. I guess Hayden has too wait for a little longer.

The figure stood up straight then raised his sword. I kinda admit, the sword was the most interesting and impressive one I've ever seen in my entire life. But axes are better. Shaped like a katana, the blade itself was inky black while the hilt was made out of some kind of dark iron ore. The sword had no crossguard and there was a small button placed at the grip.

Wonder what that does?

Guess I didn't have to wait long. The figure pressed it and after a spark, flames suddenly erupted from the blade, enveloping it in fire. The flames danced along the blade like pure fluid. The fire illuminated his dark form, giving him a hellish aura.

Then for the first time, I saw one emotion in his eyes. And that was bloodlust.

Oh, what the-

What is that ungodly smell?

It smells like rotten fish dipped in mud!


Damn. Never thought you would actually do it, Shawn.

"Come on, Shawn. Could you have warned us first before shitting all of a sudden?" Racquel complained while holding her nose.

"Th- That wasn't m- me! That was... uhhh- the- that guy!" Shawn tried to shift the blame to the figure, who I swear snorted in response.

"Dude, that guy's too cool to shit his pants." Tristan commented.

"Did you know that the normal reason for an adult to accidentally crap his pants is due to bowel incontinence?"

"Shut up, Finn!"

"I- I'm just trying to help!"

"Well, don't try, fish-face!"

I swear I'm going to kill them myself. I turn around to scold them. I can't even leave them for two minutes without them arguing like children. Hayden, where are you when I need you? My eyes left the figure for a millisecond before I realized my mistake.

Crap! I took my eyes off of him!

As soon as I turn back around, the figure was right in front of me, in the middle of swinging his sword. Guess where was he aiming? My head...

I have no time to react! It'll be too late! I close my eyes, ready to receive my fate. But it never came. I didn't feel the blade slicing through my face like butter. Unless it was so fast that I immediately died the second he swung it.

Life's Just A GameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora